Resolution 3995 - Annexation - Pack West AdditionRESOLUTION NO, 3995 A RESOLUTION To PROVIDE FOR THE ALTERATION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL BY INCLUDING THEREIN, AS AN ANNEXATION, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY To BE KNOWN AS PACK WEST ADDITION NO, 2390 TO ZONE SAID PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT, RA-11 AND TO AMEND THE CITY ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY AND To DECLARE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the boundaries of the territory to be annexed is contained in Exhibit "All attached hereto and. for purposes of this Resolution made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the Flathead Regional Development Office has made a report on the annexation/zoning of the territory dated June 4, 1991, and WHEREAS, the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the annexation and Zoning of the property, pursuant to Section 6.13, Kalispell,, Zoning Ordinance on June 11, 1991 and recommended that the territory be annexed into the City of Kalispell and be zoned Residential NApartment, RA-1, in accordance with the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance and the Kalispell City --County Master Plan, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell held a public hearing pursuant to Section 6.13, Kalispell Zoning Ordinance on July 15, 1991 to consider the report made by the Flathead Regional Development office and the recommendation of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission, and WHEREAS, based upon the report of the Flathead Regional Development office and the recommendation of the Kalispell City -- County Planning Board and Zoning Commission, the City Council of the City of Kalispell finds that the recommended Zoning classification for the territory is in accordance with the Kalispell City -County Master Plan and the Kalispell, Zoning Ordinance based upon the following criterion: 1. Does the ---proposed Zone com lv with the Master Plan? The Kalispell City -County Master Plan indicates that the subject property is in a transition area between a high density residential land use designation and a general commercial land use designation. The proposed RA-1 classification would be in substantial conformance with the Master Plan, 2, Is the ro osed Zone designed, to lessen congestion in the t rapt q ? The proposed Zoning classification will not necessarily increase traffic to or from the property. An RA-1 Zoning classification allows both single family and multi --family dwellings. In all likelihood, the property will probably retain the two residential dwellings that currently exist. Any multi -family development will be subject to a conditional use permit at which time the effects of traffic will be further evaluated. 3, will the proposed zone secure safety from fire__ --panic and other dangers? The annexed property will be provided with City of Kalispell police and fire protection, regardless of the zoning classification, Site plan review of new development and enforcement of existing Kalispell codes will ensure that the property is adequately protected from natural and artificial hazards. 4. will the -proposed zone promote the health and general. wo l f arF?? The proposed zoning is compatible with the existing development of the property. The zoning is also consistent with the Master Plan which is a measure of general public interest. The zoning will also ensure that any additional development is properly reviewed to ensure the adequate provision of services and the protection of public health and safety. 5. Will the -proposed zone provide for adequate light and air? .The proposed zoning classification requires substantial setbacks and limitations on lot coverage. As suggested earlier, any additional development within this annexed territory will require review pursuant to City of Kalispell Subdivision Regulations or pursuant to a conditional use permit for multi ---family dwellings. These review processes will ensure that adequate light and air is available to the area. 6. Will the ro osed zone --_prevent the overcrowding of land? The existing building, zoning and construction standards/codes of the City of Kalispell will ensure that the annexed territory is not overcrowded with development. These existing regulations will ensure the adequate provision of water, sewer, access, and separation from the 10 0 -year f loodplain of Spring Creek. 7, will the ro osed zone avoid undue concentration of people?. The area proposed for annexation and zoning is currently occupied by two single family dwellings. The remainder of the property does not lend itself easily to additional development, especially multi -family. It is expected that the property will remain developed such as it currently is, regardless of the zoning. 2 Again, sufficient review mechanisms are in place to ensure that excess concentration of people in the area does not occur. 8. will the proposed zone facilitate the ade uate provision of trans ortation water ---sewaaet schools..___arks and other public requirements? Any additional development of the property will require the extension of public water and sewer. This will be accomplished by the owners of the property in accordance to all applicable City of Kalispell standards. Any additional development to the property will also require improvement of the present roadway access. This can probably be accomplished in conjunction with the development of the properties to the north where residential apartments are currently being anticipated. The effects of this zoning classification on schools, parks, and other public services will be further evaluated at the time of any development proposal. 9. Does the proposed zone give consideration to the articular suitabilit of the ro ert for articular uses? The properties to the north and west are currently zoned Residential Apartment RA--1. The properties to the east and south are zoned Community Business B-3. Spring Creek borders the northerly portion of the property. The proposed residential classification is appropriate given the adjoining residential zoning and the present occupancy of two residential dwellings. A commercial zoning classification would not be appropriate for reasons of access and general isolation from highway frontage. la. Does thero osed zone ive reasonable consideration to the character of the district? At the present time, the primary land influence on this property is from the residential multi ---family dwellings located to the north. Access to the property is from Two Nile Drive, through territory that is zoned Residential Apartment RA-1. Although the proposed zoning classification would allow multi -family dwellings, it also permits single family dwellings. Given the adjoining zoning and anticipation of the Master Plan, the proposed RA-1 zoning classification is appropriate to the property. 11. Would the proposed zone conserve the value of buildings? The proposed zoning classification is consistent with the present uses of the property and with those anticipated around the property. Therefore, the proposed zoning classification will conserve the value of property in the area. 3 12, will the -proposed zonin encoura e the mostappropriate use of land throughout the mun.ici alit ? The proposed zoning is compatible to the existing use of the property and with the surrounding uses and is consistent with the anticipation of the Master Plan. A sewer force main has been extended to the area in anticipation of multi -family development in the vicinity of this property. Extension of other city services are also available to this area of the City. Therefore, the proposed zoning classification at this location in the City - is appropriate. WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of April, 1989 the City Council of the City of Kalispell adopted, pursuant to Section 7-2--4506, Montana Code Annotated, an Extension of Services Plan which anticipates development of City services for approximately five years in the future, and WHEREAS, the City has caused to be developed a I'mini- extension of services plan", attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and thereby made a part hereof, for the territory by this Resolution annexed to the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS,. said "mini -extension of services plan 'T provide for the extension of municipal services or maintenance of existing services within the area of Pack west, subject to annexation, including water, sewer, storm drainage, streets, garbage collection, police protection and fire protection, and WHEREAS, said "mini -extension of services plan" provides for financing the extension of municipal services or maintenance of existing services by utilizing funds allocated and expended,, pursuant to the annual City budget without incurring additional bonded indebtedness, and WHEREAS, Pack West Addition is included within and conforms to the Kalispell city --county Master Plan NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. That all of the real property as is more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, shall be annexed to the City of Kalispell and the boundaries of the City are altered to so provide. SECTION I I . Upon the effective date of this Resolution, the City Clerk -Treasurer's office is directed to make and certify, under the seal of the City, a copy of the record of these proceedings as are entered on the minutes of the city Council and file said documents with the Flathead County Clerk and 4 Recorder. From and after the date prepared by the City effective date hereof, said annexed territory shall be subject to all regulations in force in be entitled to the same other parts of the City. of filing of said documents as Clerk --Treasurer, or on the whichever shall occur later, and its citizens and property debts, laws and ordinances and the City of Kalispell and shall privileges and benefits as are SECTION III, The territory annexed by this Resolution shall be zoned as Residential Apartment, RA-1, and the City of Kalispell zoning map shall be altered to so provide. SECTION Iy. This Resolution shall be effective thirty (30) days from and after its final passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 15th DAY OF Jul , 19910 Douglaq-D,Rauthe, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Robertson Finance Director I, the undersigned, Finance Director of the City of Kalispell, certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana at a regular meeting held Jul 15 1991 t 4F'inance Director of the City of Kalispell $. ,y EXHIBIT A PACK WEST ADDITION NO, 239 A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, M.P.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT 412.4 FEET EAST OF THE WEST BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND 208 FEET NORTH OF THE S-1/16 LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, WHICH IS THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE 164 FEET NORTH AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE 17PAST 157.95 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH 1/16 LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 570 35' EAST 297.1. FEET TO A POINT 208 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH 1 /16 LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND 828.4 FEET EAST OF T1.1E WEST BOUNDARY THEREOF; THENCE WEST 416 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH 1/16 LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, TOGETHER WITH A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, M.P.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMME NCI NG AT THE SOIJTI IWT;ST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12 ; THENCE NORTH 870 58' EAST AND ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF T -I E SOUTHEAST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 412.4 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT OF LAND BEING DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 87° 58' EAST AND ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 723.0 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 570 55' WEST A DISTANCE OF 370.8 FEET TO A POINT 208.0 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTI-I1-",lZlY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12 ; THENCE SOU'm 87 ° 58' WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 416.0 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUT14 00 48' NEST AND PARALLEL TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 208.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, 0� F f f } } th'e A endad plot Lot 2 k � 1 � + k of West e Hy Por. i GAT,EVol AY W EST F F A D D. 34 i t F � 1 •� 1 A F f � F 1 F � F 1 F k F t 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 f 1 � I 1 r � K WEST ADDITION No. 239 RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT RA-1 oQ P�' POp• EXHIBIT "Y7" T , R , D « ❑ , June 18, 1991 PACK WEST ADDITION NO, 239 The Pack West Addition is located on the westerly side of Kalispell between Two Mile Drive and U. S. Highway 2. The property is wholly surrounded by the city limits. It borders the Gateway West Addition No. 34 on the north and the Gibson Addition No. 41 on the south. Spring Creek follows much of the easterly boundary of the territory proposed for annexation. Two single family residential dwellings are located on the five tracts that are subject to the proposed annexation. A legal description of the property is set forth in Exhibit A. A municipal service review was performed in June 1991 by the Kalispell Fire, Police, Public works, and Parks Departments. The result of this service review is that each department is able to provide municipal services to the Pack west Addition on the substantially same basis and in the same manner in which municipal services are currently provided to the rest of the municipality. The Pack. west Addition is within the Service Area Boundary of the City of Kalispell as described by the Extension of Services Plan adopted by the City of Kalispell on April 3, 1989 (Resolution #3838). This broad based extension of services plan, together with the following "mini --plan" (specific to this annexation), comprise the Extension of Services Plan for the Pack west Addition. EXISTING SERVICES: Water: Individual private wells serve the existing dwellings. Sewer: A sewer force main follows the westerly boundary of the property. This sewer main and associated facilities were constructed by a private party and is subject to a developer extension agreement with the City of Kalispell. The property subject to annexation is not included within the design area of that system. It is believed that the two single family dwellings in the area are using conventional septic systems for treatment of sewage at this time. Storm Drainage: No developed drainage facilities are in the vicinity. Streets: Access to the property is currently via a private drive from Two Mile Drive. Said drive is one -lane and paved, 1 Garbage Collection: Garbage collection is available on a contract basis to the property from private companies. Police Protection: The area is within the jurisdiction of the Flathead County Sheriff's Department, Fire Protection: The area is within the jurisdiction of a rural fire district. ANTICIPATED SERVICE NEEDS: Water: The extension of municipal water service to the property is not anticipated until such time as a change in use of the property is considered. Provision of municipal water to the property would require an extension from the 12" main on Corporate Drive, approximately 400 feet to the southwest. Extension of the water main to the property [in the event that new development requires such extension] will be the responsibility of the developer and/or landowner. Sewer: Extension of sewer to serve the needs of this property would be subject to the developer extension agreement between the city of Kalispell and Ronald D. Pack and Margaret A. Pack. Since the area is outside the design area, the intended users will need to increase the capacity of this system at their own expense. Again, extension of municipal sewage collection to the property is not anticipated unless a change of use is proposed. Storm Drainage: A comprehensive storm drainage system is not necessary at this time for the subject property. In the event that future development occurs on the property, such as multi --family dwellings, then a private on -site drainage system will be required pursuant to local review authority. Streets: The private drive that currently serves the property is inadequate for public dedication. Should the landowners ever desire public dedication of the roadway, it would be necessary for the private _landowners to upgrade the road to City standards. Garbage Collection: The city of Kalispell will not provide solid waste disposal service to the annexed territory for a period of at least five years consistent with the provision of 7-2-4736 M.C.A. 2 Police Protection: City of Kalispell police protection will be available upon annexation. Patrol of this area of the City is an ongoing function of the police department since the surrounding properties are inside the city limits. Fire Protection. City of Kalispell fire protection will be available to the property upon annexation. The property is 2.1 miles from the fire station. Hose lines can be extended to the area from the vicinity of the Two Mile Vista Apartments or Corporate Drive during emergency fire situations. Response time is less than five ( 5 ) minutes. Mutual aid is also available from the rural fire district. City ambulance service is already available to the property. EXTENSION AND FINANCE STRATEGIES: The annexation of the property is not expected to create a significant burden on the City police and fire departments. No additional personnel will be necessary to serve the annexed territory. The general tax revenue from this property and other properties inside the city limits will pay the costs of extending these services to the area. The cost of extending the sewer and water mains, in the event that it is ever necessary,Awill be borne by the individual landowners. Any area wide improvements relative to storm drainage and lighting will be financed, in part, by the residents of the entire municipality or in conjunction with approvals for additional development, STATE OF MONTANA, ss County of Flathead he re Recorded at t request of q this -(I day of 'br1g � at � .� o'clock �` M and recorded in �.. the records of Flathead County, State of Montana. R Fee $ P d . ��„�•� R Cl k a co-rder RECEPTION NO. 9 1 e43 513 fNO% I'1dLLLecIU l,vuuy � C��� Cl C RETURN TO Cf,",--c�� t1� �� � Deputy 3