Trail and Complete Street TIGER Project Request for Qualifications Affidavit of Publication.PLETE 'STREE ECT STATE OF MONTANA to it under MCA the Cityof Kalispell seeks to pro FLATHEAD COUNTY cure,' a. qualified professional consultant 'to perform analysis and design services- for the AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kalispell Trail and Complete Street TIGER Project. The State- ment of Qualifications (SOQ) MARY BOOTH BEING DULY must be 201 First Avenue East, received by the s Clerk at SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: THAT SHE IS THE LEGAL (PO Box 1997, 59903), Kalispell, CLERK OF THE DAILY INTER LAKE A DAILY Montana, 59901, by 5 00 P.M. local time, February 22, 2018. NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND Further information and require- ments: can 'be viewed on the city PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF KALISPELL IN THE , website . _ at www.kalispell.com', COUNTY OF FLATHEAD, STATE OF MONTANA, AND under the Bids & Proposals tab. Further questions pertaining to THAT NO. 25093 the selection process should be� directed to Katharine Thompson, Assistant Director community LEGAL ADVERTISMENT WAS PRINTED AND t and Economic Development, a (406) 758-7713 or khompson@ PUBLISHED IN THE REGULAR AND ENTIRE ISSUE OF kaiispell.com. The City of Kalispell shall not be SAID PAPER AND IN EACH AND EVERY COPY THEREOF held responsible for any oral in- ON THE DATES OF JANUARY 28, FEBRUARY 11, 2018 structions. Any changes to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Will be in the form of an adden- dum, which will be furnished to all registered °RFQ holders. The AND THE RATE CHARGED FOR THE ABOVE City of Kalispell reserves St tee right to reject any or all S Q , PRINTING DOES NOT EXCEED THE MINIMUM waive any informality or irregu-- larity in any soQ received, an GOING RATE CHARGED TO ANY OTHER to be the sole judge of the merits ADVERTISER FOR THE SAME PUBLI A C TION, of the respective sOQs re- SET IN THE SAME SIZE TYPE AND PUBLISHED ceived . A pre -submittal conference for FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF INSERTIONS. the contract will be held at 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell;. MT in city Council Chambers on 8, 2018 at lom a.m.. February` City staff will discuss the scope _______ _____ _____________________ --- of work, general contract. issues, and respond to questions from .the attendees: Because staff will Subscribed and sworn to not be available to respond to in- dividual inquiries` regarding' the Before me this February 11, 2018 project scope outside of this pre - submittal conference; attend- ance at this pre -submittal confer- ,...�„ ence is; highly recommended.. Participation via ZOOM Meet- ---- -- - -- ---- ------ ings is 'available upon request with the submission of necessa- Dorothy I. Glen ss y ry contact information. The Consultant will be selected on the basis of demonstrated Notary Public for the State of Montana competence and qualification for the type of services required; Residing in Kalispell and thereafter the City,will nego- My commission expires 9/12/2021 tiate the services. agreement with what it deems to be the most qualified company. � DOROTHY I GLENCRoSS January 28, February 11,' 2018 , o�� Q Notary Public for the �' State of Montana tarial NoSeal MNAXLP Residing at KALISPELL, MT r, �P My Commission Expires q'or MoP September 12, 2021 kSYSt�S