02-28-18 Urban Renewal Agency MinutesCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 Meeting Summary URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 2018-4 P.M. CITY HALL — FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Chairman Marc Rold Jeff Zauner Matt Venturini Tom Jentz, Planning Director Katharine Thompson, Asst. Director Comm. & Econ. Dev. Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Shannon Freix Krista Lammers, Community & Economic Development Mike Brodie, WGM Group Brad Wright, Core Area Property Owner Peregrine Frissell, Daily Inter Lake Chairman Rold called the meeting to order and welcomed the public, Board and city staff. APPROVAL OF MEETING SUMMARY Passed unanimously. BOARD MEMBERTERMS Chairman Rold and Mr. Zauner will both complete the City's Board Application form for renewal of their terms. TIF & TEDD UPDATES Katharine and City Attorney, Charlie Harball, met with commercial realtors from the area to discuss Old School Station lots that are for sale, the City will maintain this line of communication with the group. The City and WGM are concluding contract negotiations and will likely begin work in March. City Staff will inform the Board of negotiations with the Airport Users Group at the next meeting. Husky Street Developer's Agreement should be signed next week. CHS has signed the relocation agreements with FCEDA and will begin construction at Glacier Rail Park June 1 of the year. SOQs for the Kalispell Trail are currently being reviewed, the committee will narrow the pool of six down to three next week and look to do interviews mid -March. The City expects to have the selected firm on the ground the first week in May to begin working with the Trail Crew and public through the very important community -led planning and design process. The design and engineering process is expected to go through the fall with final design in late fall and engineering work in the winter so that the tracks can be removed in 2019 and the trail built in 2020. The Kalispell Trail Crew has been formed as a group of stakeholders and ambassadors to the Kalispell Trail and Complete Street TIGER Project. The group met in mid -February and will likely meet again in early May to tour the Kalispell Trail site and meet the planning, design and engineering consultants for the project. PUBLIC COMMENT Brad Wright shared documents that were emailed to the Board on 02/22/2018. BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM UPDATES With the CHS / FCEDA agreement signed the City can begin the process to conduct Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) and possible cleanup planning for the three CHS sites, two of the three sites will be considered petroleum sites and one a hazardous site as categorized by the EPA. When FCEDA is set to acquire properties, Phase I ESAs will need to be updated possibly followed by City EPA Revolving Loan Fund dollars for cleanup. The next in priority for assessment grant dollars will be the BNSF corridor for Phase I ESA. TIGER/KALISPELL CORE & RAIL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPDATE Work continues on schedule at Glacier Rail Park and is slated to be finished November of this year. The retaining wall on the southern portion of the site is complete - recent drone footage of the site, including the retaining wall, can be viewed at: http://www.kalispellcoreandrail.com/lacier-rail-park.html City met with MDT to work toward attaining some grant funding to mitigate some cost for the rail crossing on the east side of the rail park. With the signing of the CHS/FCEDA agreement, CHS is projecting a June 1 start date, meaning that project coordination for simultaneous rail park and CHS construction has begun for city staff, project engineers and contractors. Northwest Drywall will also begin construction this summer. Discussion of maintenance plan and funding for the Kalispell Trail and the projected increase in tax increment financing due to Core Area development and redevelopment were discussed. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING The Board next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 21' at 4 p.m. TI • Chairman Rold adjourned the meeting.