09-10-14 Urban Renewal Agency MinutesCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 Urban Renewal Agency - Summary of Activities 09/10/2014 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Marc Rold — Chairman Murphy McMahon —Vice Chairman David Girardot Jeff Zauner OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Katharine Thompson - City of Kalispell, Community Development Manager Tom Jentz — City of Kalispell, Planning Director Krista Lammers — City of Kalispell, Community Development Coordinator CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rold called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Members were given the following for review: • Agenda for this meeting • 11 Main Street TIF Developer's Agreement • 11 Main Street letter of request for six month Developer's Agreement extension PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment offered. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • Katharine gave an update on 7 & 11 Main Street activities. • Chairman Rold stated that with each of the property owners communicating and working together improvements can be done more easily and on schedule. NEW BUSINESS • Katharine shared with the board that the TIGER VI grant was not awarded to Kalispell, only one project in Montana received funding, Ft. Peck for just over $700,000 for an airport planning project. She stressed that the Rail Park project will proceed and that it is very important for the URA and the community to maintain momentum on this project as it moves forward. • The board reviewed the 11 Main Street Developer's Agreement and letter of request for an extension, with the due date quickly approaching and the owner of the property has asked for a six month extension to the agreement due to the fact that the Montana Department of Transportation restricts road closure during summer months significantly hindering the work that needs to be done. • 4:21 p.m. Paul Roybal, owner of 11 Main Street arrived and shared with the board that the Montana Department of Transportation will not allow road closure to do work until after October 61h after which time he will begin work on tapping in to the fire line and then move on to fagade work. He explained that he requested a six month extension but that the work will probably be completed sooner. • 4:24 Tom Jentz arrived and supported Mr. Roybal's comments that the Montana Department of Transportation restricts road closure until October 61h due to increased traffic volumes during summer months and that there was no indication from MDT that the awning work on the building would not interfere with traffic flow during the fagade improvement phase. • The board granted Mr. Roybal's request for a six month extension to the existing Developer's Agreement. • 4:32 p.m. Mr. Roybal thanked the board and excused himself from the meeting. • Tom Jentz shared the status of the Kalispell City Airport Request for Qualifications that should be going out in the very near future and that the URA will be kept apprised of the process. • Katharine reminded the board that a fifth member is needed. • Schedule next meeting - The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October Bch at 4 p.m. ADJOURN MEETING The meeting was adjourned at 4:37 p.m. Minutes prepared by Krista Lammers.