04-17-14 Urban Renewal Agency MinutesCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 Urban Renewal Agency - Summary of Activities 04/17/2014 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Marc Rold- Chairman; David Girardot; Murphy McMahon OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE City of Kalispell Staff - Community Development Manager, Katharine Thompson; Community Development Administrator, Lindsey Simpson; Tom Jentz, Planning Director CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rold called the meeting to order at 8:00a.m. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Chairman Rold was given a brief agenda for review. ACCEPTANCE OF PRIOR MEETING SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES No prior summaries were presented PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment offered. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • No unfinished business was presented NEW BUSINESS Tom Jentz opened the meeting my giving background of the Core Area Plan, approved by City Council in December 2012. The feedback from business owners in the Core Area reported that a large percentage want to see the rail road tracks removed and a linear trail constructed in its place. Tom Jentz updated the URA on the current TIGER VI funding application being submitted to the US DOT by April 28, 2014, from the City of Kalispell. City Council members and staff recently visited Washington DC to meet with congressional delegation and representatives from BNSF, DOT, and EPA and others regarding the grant application and Industrial Rail Park project. The feedback regarding the TIGER VI funding relayed to City Council and staff during these meetings encouraged the City to include the development of the Core Area Linear Trail Project in grant application. An estimated $4.6M is required for this project. The URA believes that this project is eligible for West Side Tax Increment funds, and would like to recommend a $3M commitment as matching funds for the TIGER VI grant application. Murphy McMahon made a motion to move to recommend $3M in TIF commitment for the development of the Core Area Linear Trail. Dave Girardot seconded the motion. All members of the URA voted in favor. This recommendation will be presented to City Council on Monday, April 21, 2014. ADJOURN MEETING The meeting was adjourned at 8:28a.m. End of Summary of Activities 04/17/2014.