01-16-13 Urban Renewal Agency MinutesCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 Telephone (406) 758-7000 Fax - (406) 758-7758 URA Meeting Minutes January 16, 2013 4:00pm- City Hall Conference Room MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Marc Rold Chairman Suzanne Faubert Tom Lund Murphy McMahon Shannon Nalty OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Katharine Thompson Lindsey Simpson Tom Jentz Doug Russell Charlie Harball Paul Roybal Tom Lotshaw City CED Manager City CED Administrator City Planning and Building Director City Manager City Attorney TIF Applicant Daily Inter Lake Reporter Members were e-mailed the agenda on January 14, 2013. Chairman Rold called the meeting to order at 4:00pm and suggested the meeting begin by addressing section 6, New Business first to allow Paul Roybal to present his application for 11 Main Street. Before the presentation Katharine handed out the previous six URA newsletters, and URA Plans and Goals to all members present. Tom Jentz explained that the Plans and Goals handout has been adopted by City Council. Katharine prefaced Paul Roybal's presentation by addressing sections 7, 8, and 9 of the Plans and Goals handout as well as section 5 pertaining to water lines. She explained that Mr. Roybal recently purchased the building known as Kelly Main Street located at 11 Main Street in the West side TIF and originally built in 1924. NEW BUSINESS: Paul Roybal explained the following: He recently purchased the building located at 11 Main Street; it is 21,000 square feet, with three levels that are 7,000 square feet each. There were originally two water lines running into his building and the adjacent building at 7 Main Street until the boiler was moved and one water line ran to 7 Main St, leaving his building without a water line. The building has been vacant for the past 10 years. The water line needed to connect to his building is located 10 feet out from the front of his building in the left side turn lane on Main Street. He solicited 4 bids for connecting the water line and only one company followed through with the bid. Moving the water line will require that the left turn lane in front of his building be shut down for up to 7 days. He plans to install several ADA compliant bathrooms in the building and the minimum water pipe needed is 1.5 inches, but he would prefer a 2 inch line. To have the water to his building re -connected he will be responsible for impact fees ranging from $11,000 to $17,000 as well as $38,000 in excavation fees. He also suggests that a 6 inch fire suppression line be installed. He hopes to restore his building to its original state and enhance and preserve the downtown area. He is moving his current carpet business out of the county and into the 11 Main Street building and believes it will benefit the City by creating jobs and restoring the historic value of downtown. He is remodeling the building so that in the future it could possibly house a large conference and banquet room, or second floor apartments. He stated that he does not know the history of the URA board but wants to inquire about TIF funds and how they may benefit him. Chairman Rold inquired as to how many water meters were under 7 Main St and Mr. Roybal said there were three but that current City codes restrict him from sharing water lines and each lot must have their own line. The same policy is enforced with gas lines; however he is currently sharing the gas line with 7 Main St in order to supply heat to his building. Chairman Rold asked if Mr. Roybal planned to connect the water line soon and he replied yes, as soon as possible. Chairman Rold explained to Mr. Roybal that this is an advisory board and that City Council makes the final decision on TIF funding. Mr. Roybal stated that he would like to take advantage of any funds available to help with his project. Katharine stated that she had financial information provided by Mr. Roybal but would like to organize the information before providing a write-up to the URA board. Mr. Roybol gave an explanation of the building's current structure and what renovation has taken place since it was originally built in the 1920's including a fire and the damage caused to the interior. He stated that many of the original windows were still intact but had been obstructed over the years by various remodels. He is hoping to restore the building to its original state and provided photos of the original building exterior to the board. He will also require a new roof in the future that is estimated to cost around $46,000. After the presentation was concluded the board discussed what the policy for applicants should be in the future. There was discussion on having applicants present their ideas to the board in person first and then have the board advise the applicant on how to proceed as well as discussion on having a formal process to follow and more information up front before the applicant makes a presentation to the board. Shannon expressed his opinion on needing better guidelines and following a business format when deciding how to allocate TIF funds. Suzanne expressed opinion on allowing applicants to present their ideas and requests and then move forward from there. Tom Jentz suggested that the board prioritize the applicants and decide what projects they are hoping to fund, whether it be removal of blighted buildings and so forth, he suggested that some applicants could be encouraged to look at funding from grant and loan sources other than TIF funds depending on their project. It was decided that City staff would review the guidelines and procedures used by other cities and compile suggestions on what percentage of funds per year will go toward specific project types. City staff will have a report prepared by the February URA meeting. The meeting was extended to 5: 1Opm. Katharine reminded the board of the upcoming Core Area Plan Market Analysis that will be presented by Wildan Financial Services on January 29, 2013 at 3:30pm at First Interstate Bank. Agenda items `Certificate of Taxable Valuation Information' and the `Annual Report Preparation' under New Business were tabled until the February meeting per Chairman Rold. The next meeting will be held on February 13 at 4:00pm. The meeting was adjourned at 5:13pm. Minutes prepared by Lindsey Simpson