09-20-07 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, September 20, 2007 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Assoc. Civil Engineer Sean Conrad, City Planner Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Craig Kerzman, Building Official F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Guests: James Freyholtz from MDOT; Toby Macintosh, Ned Halling, and Rory Young from Jackola Engineering; and Greg Bain from Greg Bain and Company. Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: We have released Granary Ridge. Northridge Phase I and 2 will be reducing and extending their bond. OLD BUSINESS: 245 Windward Way — New information has been submitted to Public Works. They still need to provide elevations that are scaled. This will remain on the agenda. Goacher — 1303 — Ist Ave W; survey office and apartment — they brought in a better site plan. Two parking spaces for the apartment. A number of spaces in the front for the office, including a van accessible handicapped space. They have a five foot landscape buffer off the property line. They meet their 5% landscaping requirement. No drainage shown. No lighting plan submitted yet. They need to show where the street is located with respect to the project. Ray is okay with the proposed garage structures in the back. This will go through Architectural Review next week. Outlaw Inn — Hwy 93 S; site modification — The trellis area would be covered. They are doing a roof upgrade on the existing building. New lighting will go in — need lighting plan. They are phasing in the renovations. Parking spaces in the back will need to be removed that back into Third. They will link this in with a later phase. They will let us know their time line. They will need to extend the sprinkler system into the new areas. The roof over three way is over 4' projection. Extend sprinkler there. Improved pedestrian access. Easement road needs to have some pedestrian thought to it. This drains to the south through the parking lot. They need to put in pedestrian access. Toby will put something together after speaking with the owner. They will be taping out the Blimpie's Building. Parking counts were discussed. A bank building will be going in where Blimpie's was. There is a property line that goes through the building presently that may potentially be eliminated. They will be going to Architectural Review on Tuesday. NEW BUSINESS: 2792 Hwy 93 S — new car wash; preliminary review — acquiring cross -easement. Lighting plan. Developing out landscaping plan - work with Chad. Parking — will need a handicapped parking space. Have accesses to the north of this instead of the south by moving the easement. Airport access — The City is looking at acquiring tract B. We need clarification as to what the city is doing for the airport right-of-way. Bain will need to check with Fred Leistiko. Discussion was held regarding circulation. The flag poles can't be taller than 40'. They will have one automatic bay and two manual bays. The 24' on the north may make the 20' on the south side wider. Stacking was discussed. They are not planning on using recycled water. They will need to know what the ERU charges are going to be. This has an existing address, and has been annexed already. Roger asked for grade so water won't leak out on the street in the winter and make it slippery for other traffic. Their approaches are a bit steep. They may have a negative grade back to the car wash. This project may be in the airport approach area, so they will need to get Leistiko to sign off on this for height, etc. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Glacier Town Center — new plans will be coming to Site Review next week. Willow Creek — 710 — 583 — 531. Bay Ridge Estates — they haven't changed anything. We will be sending them a letter after Site Review next week with our comments. F. Ray stated they have an addressing issue. OTHER REPORTS: Old Sportsman's Ski Hans Building — Roger stated this building may be taken over by Flathead Industries along with two houses. They spoke with KPD about speed bumps on l't Avenue East and a crosswalk. Roger instructed them to bring their project request to Site Review. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works