08-09-17 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD August 9, 2017 Present: Members: Barb Anderson, Andrea Davidson Cam Tony Nelson, Rick Moore, Dave Jones and Terry Richmond Staff: Fred Bicha & Lisa Simmer Guest: Wendy, Flathead County Health Department The meeting was officially called to order at 4:00 pm by Terry Richmond. There was no public comment. Public Comment Approve Minutes The June and July 2017 minutes were approved unanimously. Current Business Picnic In The Park Public Outreach Reca Members discussed the booth they hosted at Picnic in the Park. Tony mentioned a woman named Glenda Brown being very engaged and passionate in discussing the urban forest and maybe being a good board member in the future when there is an opening. Members felt they visited with approximately 10 people who showed interest in the walking/biking tour, various species, watering, and care of trees. Members decided as a whole that this venue probably doesn't get the biggest bang for the buck and not necessarily worth the board's effort because most people are there to listen to the music. Other venue possibilities were discussed; the garden show at the fairgrounds being talked about as an possibility. Board members were thanked for hosting the booth and the input provided. Tree Cycle After discussion, members tentatively moved the date for the event to October 15, 2017, citing a couple of reasons including; conflicts with the Pink Me Up event on the 1st and Columbus Day weekend the following weekend. Members reviewed the list of tasks, volunteered and assigned accordingly. Route — Fred noted that the group is looking at the East North and West North areas of town, where the ride has never been. Fred provided a list of trees he has noted in those areas of town, which the group reviewed. Fred explained he's struggling to find interesting trees in this area and the group might need to be more creative, possibly a young tree pruning demonstration, a power line pruning through a line of maples, examining trees with technology and tools we would have to borrow. Tony offered use of his 16" increment board for a demonstration. Fred noted other trees he had found in the area, that might be worthy of stops and discussion. Tony suggested the golf course and offered to ask permission from them. Tony also mentioned a number of trees in the back part of Lawrence that could be good for discussion. Fred suggested members drive those areas and see if they find any interesting trees. Central School Museum, Washington Park, Lawrence Park and the old Edgerton School were all discussed as options for stopping/starting points. Rick volunteered to look at trees in these areas and put together a tentative route for review. Brochure — Terry noted this will depend on the route and will be addressed at an upcoming meeting. Fred said he will handle the brochure after the route is determined. Partners — Fred explained that partners would include Wendy with Flathead County, could include Flathead Electric if they would like to be involved, as well as the mom's group that provided snacks at the bike rodeo location, and possibly anyone we might borrow a technological device from. Fred said he would do the small tree pruning if there is a demonstration. Wendy offered to take care of the printing of the brochures. Terry said he'd be happy to take on the partners task, if others would help provide names and thoughts on how they might participate. Wendy offered to facilitate a bike rodeo again. Andrea suggested if there is a pruning demonstration at Russel School, adults could attend that while the children could be in the rodeo. Safety — Fred said this would involve talking to the bicycle police officers to see if they are available to ride with. Fred also explained it would be nice to contact the local bike shops to see if owners/employees would like to participate to help with road crossings, as well as provide bike repair along the route. This task was assigned to Dave. Media — Barb offered to take care of media again. Fred said we will need a PA system. Tony said he would check into the DNRC system to verify it had been fixed. Logistics — Tony offered to tackle logistics, if Fred would pass along the logistics list from last year. Fred said he would check into what technology might be available to borrow for the event. Tree Awards Terry distributed a first draft of what he wrote for the tree awards and explained Fred had reviewed it and proposed some better names for the awards and another potential award that has merit. Terry recapped stating the group had talked about awards for residential, commercial, and public facility which wouldn't necessarily have to be awarded every year. Fred said he suggested an award for a Tree Stewardship Award, as the awards previously proposed seem to all relate to landscaping. He explained the stewardship award would recognize and individual or group of individuals who through their actions made a difference and betterment to the Kalispell urban forest. This may include donating trees or services to the city and/or volunteering in a significant capacity. Members talked how this could include sponsors of events who have donated time for climbing demonstrations, pruning of city trees, etc. Members agreed that it would be nice to have the FHS woodshop make a plaques which would be awarded at city council. Discussion also included looking for the nominations in the summer months and awarding in the fall. Terry said he and Fred would work on a second draft to bring back to the board. It was decided the group would start small with the stewardship award and add additional awards as they build the program. It was suggested that Three Rivers Bank could possibly be considered as the first award, as they have both sponsored Arbor Day and done a good job on their landscaping including appropriate tree species on the boulevard. Members said they would like to see this award given before Tree Cycle — possibly at the October 2nd Council meeting. Members discussed different ways they could handle this program; awarding annually or not, awarding three at the same time or spacing them out. Mulching and Watering Article Fred noted that the article had run in the Daily Inter Lake. Developer & 50150 Cost Share Inspections Terry mentioned that when he had went door to door on the 50150 plantings he had been questioned regarding the amount of water needed for trees. Fred explained this is a very difficult question without a definitive answer. Fred said you want your roots to be moist but not saturated however it's hard to tell the condition of the roots and there are variables such as different soil types. Misc. Business Barb briefed the group on her efforts to water downtown trees. Barb noted they have another couple, D.C. Haus and his wife Lisa also volunteering and together they are regularly watering downtown trees with the Parks Dept. equipment. Barb said slowly but surely they are getting the trees watered and it is a learning experience. Members briefly discussed the tax assessment public hearing. There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. Approved unanimously with revision (attendance) at September 13, 2017 meeting.