Resolution 5269 - Adopt Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update)RESOLUTION NO.5269 A RESOLUTION FOR. THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE KALISPELL AREA TRANSPORTATION PLAN (2006 UPDATE) DATED APRIL 21, zoos, AS PREPARED BY ROBERT PECCIA AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPLACING THE 1993 KALISPELLâ–º TRANSPORTATION PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell retained the engineering firm. Robert Peccia and Associates to analyze the transportation facilities in and around the City of Kalispell for the purpose of developing a Kalispell Area Transportation Plan to update and replace the existing transportation plan that was developed in 1993; and WHEREAS, the proposed Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update), dated April 21, 2008, developed by Robert Peccia and Associates addresses the transportation issues within the City of Kalispell, plus an area up to three miles beyond the City limits, into those areas the City can reasonably expect to grow; and WHEREAS, the proposed Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update) provides an analysis of existing transportation conditions, transportation demand forecasting, a discussion of alternative travel modes within the area and identification of specific problem areas relative to crash occurrences, intersection capacities and street corridor capacities; and WHEREAS, the proposed Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update) includes recommendations for travel demand management and traffic calming techniques and further provides a series of recommendations for improvements to the transportation system including short term management changes, major street system improvements and miscellaneous upgrades to the existing transportation system; and WHEREAS, the proposed Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update) further includes a financial analysis of the capital improvements to implement the plan; and WHEREAS, on December 11, 2007 the Kalispell City Planning Board, after due and proper notice, met and held a public hearing to consider recommending the adoption of the Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update). The Planning Board met again on January S, 2008, after due and proper notice, and after fully considering the contents of the Plan and all of the public comment received, both oral and written, voted unanimously to recommend approval and adoption of the plan to the Kalispell City Council; and WHEREAS, on February 19, 2008, after due and proper notice and after making the proposed Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update) available to the public for its inspection, the Kalispell City Council held a public hearing to receive oral and written comment on the plan; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Kalispell and its residents that the existing 1993 Kalispell Transportation Plan be updated and replaced using current data and traffic engineering analysis for the purposes of updating its Growth Policy as required by state statute as well as providing a more timely and functional analysis in the consideration of implementing transportation impact fees; and WHEREAS, after fully considering the contents of the Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update) and all of the public comment received, both oral and written, the Kalispell City Council finds that the proposed Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update), dated April 21, 2008, developed by Robert Peccia and Associates sufficiently provides the data and analysis necessary to update and replace the existing adopted policy of the 1993 Kalispell Transportation Plan. Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KA.LISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the Kalispell Area Transportation Plan (2006 Update), dated April 21, 2008, developed by Robert Peccia and Associates shall be and is hereby adopted and approved for transportation policy within the City of Kalispell. SECTION II. This resolution shall be and is hereby effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 21ST DAY OF APRIL, ZOOS. ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk