07-12-17 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMNHSSION MEETING HELD July 12, 2017 Present: Members: Andrea Davidson, Judy Rosenfeld -Cox, and Tony Nelson Staff: Fred Bicha The meeting was officially called to order at 4:00 by Tony Nelson. There was no public comment. Public Comment Approve Minutes The May 2017 minutes were approved unanimously. Current Business Picnic In The Park Public Outreach Fred suggested in the absence of Dave and Rick, attending members might attempt to make sure there is coverage the two nights. Andrea said she would work the night of the July 25'. Tony said he would plan to attend both. Judy said unfortunately she has conflicts with both nights and would not be able to attend. Fred stated he feels that Dave Jones will have a lot of the logistics and items needed covered and will bring the display, canopies, tables, swag, etc. Tony noted that Dave is out on a fire team and with the forecasts such as they are, members should not expect them to work the concerts. Tony said he would be responsible for table, canopies, display board, etc., in Dave's absence. Fred asked Tony to check into what display board laminated pictures the DNRC has and if ones need to be obtained that are more pertinent to the urban forest and current program. Tree Awards This item was tabled for a future meeting in Terry's absence. Tree Partnerships Members took time to review and discuss a draft "Partners" letter Andrea had drafted. Members made suggestions for changes and corrections. Fred suggested possibly calling the program "Tree Stewards." Members discussed the logistics and possibilities of the program, what they envision and hope to gain by developing this program. Members agreed a major goal of the program is to get the community involved in their trees. Discussion of watering trees under this program was held noting that there are challenges related (a watering truck, hoses, hauling water) and this would need to be figured out ahead of time. Tony provided an example of DNRC having just acquired a Kubota UTV through the federal surplus property auctions for $1,500. Tony felt something like this outfitted might fit the department budget and needs for this program. Fred explained that Barb and Vic volunteered to water trees this summer and he will be outfitting a parks rig to make that happen, however must do so within the volunteer driving a city vehicle guidelines. Discussion was held about partnering with the BID to water downtown trees. The group discussed starting the project in the parks system to see how it goes. Members provided input and suggestions for chances on the draft. Fred used the trees on 5' Ave W between 2nd and Yd Street as examples of where too much damage has been done, and watering might not make any difference at this point. Fred agreed to make the necessary changes to the draft. Fred said he liked Tony's name suggestion of Sapling Stewards. Judy mentioned her gardening club and explained they are more gardening than trees, however likes trees and would propose this project to them. Mulching and Watering Article Fred said he hoped everyone had a chance to see the article he had written and sent to the Daily Inter Lake. Fred said to date he hasn't heard from the DIL and hasn't seen it published. Judy said she has seen a similar article in a Saturday home section within the last few weeks. Fred told the group he had also sent it to his brother-in-law, who is a DJ with the hopes that it mentioned in the news. Fred said he would send it to the Flathead Beacon as well, if he doesn't see it posted soon. Tree Cycle The date of the Tree Cycle was tentatively planned for October 1, 2017. Fred told members that as of this time location, route or trees has not been considered. Different route ideas were discussed. Fred said he would like to scout out both East North or West North neighborhoods, as we haven't been there yet and those neighborhoods have some big mature trees. Members got completely off topic and just talked trees — mostly ash trees (rate of growth, ash versus green) with some Emerald Ash Borer and aphids thrown in for bad measure. Northridge was mentioned as it could include the fruit tree orchard at the Middle School. The back portion of Lawrence Park was discussed as a possibility of a meeting area for the East North option. Fred asked members to start scouting it out and think about Tree Cycle, possible trees and routes as they drive around town. Fred said Wendy with the Flathead County Health Department wants to participate again. Fred said the members should plan on some serious Tree Cycle planning at the next meeting. Developer & 50150 Cost Share Inspections Fred distributed maps and door hangars for the members to choose from, depending on which locations worked the best for them. Members discussed the "how-to's" for handling the site inspections. Members agreed to begin working on this project immediately and report back to Fred. Members discussed which species of trees recently planted seem to be doing well including red oaks and honey locusts. Misc. Business Brief discussion was held regarding the water main project on 4' Ave East and the subsequent unavoidable root damage to mature trees. Fred said there are at least 5 trees he is concerned about. Judy mentioned that the equipment has burnt limbs on the trees. Fred said he'd watch those limbs and see if they come back and that he plans to come back and crown prune trees affected by root damage. There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. Minutes approved unanimously by the Street Tree Committee August 9, 2017.