01-24-17 Impact Fee Advisory Committee MinutesMf1.1 TAY A IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IFAC) MEETING MINUTES Date: Tuesday January 24, 2017 4:01 -5:35 P.M. Location: City Hall Council Chambers Attendees: Board members ❑ Jeff Zauner (Chair) ❑ Jason Mueller (Vice Chair) ® Justin Ahmann (Secretary) ® Blake Robinson ® Merna Terry ® Jim Cossitt ® Nancy Cunningham Others Present: ❑ Doug Russell ® Charlie Harball ❑ Susie Turner ® Terri Loudermilk ® Keith Haskins ® Tom Gould (HDR) ® Rick Wills Justin Ahmann called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM Approval of Minutes: Merna made a motion to approval the minutes of 11-29-16. Blake seconded. Motion approved unanimously. Public Comment: None. Financial Review: Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2015 and 2016 was distributed and reviewed by Rick Wills, Finance Director; for Police, Fire, Water, Stormwater, Sewer, and Wastewater Treatment. City staff indicated they would send out a response to additional information that was requested. Tom Gould Discussion of the preliminary results of the stormwater impact fee, reviewed exhibits, and the capital improvement projects, including two extension/conveyance projects. Discussed the portion of the impact fee calculated for committed capital projects and the portion for the extension projects. Discussed the IFAC may consider a recommendation not to include the extensions projects. These exhibits/results will be used to develop the Final Draft Report which will be distributed to the committee for review prior to the next IFAC meeting for further discussion, questions, and recommendation. Old business None. Justin made a motion to adjourn at 5:35 PM. Date of next meeting: February 28, 2017 IFAC meetings are recorded. A copy of the recording can be obtained by contacting Public Works. Page 1 of 1