01-18-07 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, January 18, 2007 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Assoc. Civil Engineer Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Sean Conrad, City Planner Nicole Johnson, City Planner Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr. Guests: James Freyholtz, MDOT; Mike Frazier and Dan Lozar, T.D. & H.; and Jeff Goudreau, APEC Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: Mark is still working with Ashley Park Phase 8 and Mountain Vista Phase 1 to get them to extend. OLD BUSINESS: Courthouse East — 723 — 5th Ave E - Plans should be here tomorrow. Otherwise, nothing new as yet. NEW BUSINESS: Murdoch's — Hwy 93 S; new greenhouse north of existing store — James stated that MDOT has no problem with this. We will add the condition that they comply with MDOT requirements for on anything along the highway. They have submitted a Lighting Plan. They are working with the airport and FAA on some height issues. We will need to check with Tom regarding the split rail fence. This is going to Architectural Review next week. F. Ray spoke with PJ on this earlier (via phone) regarding fire issues. He asked if it was 20' around the building, and mentioned that he liked the Knox boxes that are shown. Frank said the drainage is fine. This is approved subject to the above conditions. McDonald's — Spring Prairie/Hwy 93 N (preliminary review) — T.D. & H. — no access offthe highway or Reserve Loop. They are short on their parking count, but are working on shared parking to the north. A document is being drawn up in this regard. Sewer and water went in when the original phase went in. Storm water will be collected on -site and put into the collection pond as originally set up. There will be no large golden arches, as they are limited to wall signs. Stacking for the drive-thru needs to be considered with possibly putting in two lanes and/or expanding the length. Need a connection from the Highway 93 bike path to McDonald's. Discussion was held regarding options for this. Nicole suggested they put in bike racks. They will also need either a landscape separation or parking bumpers. Garbage is in a good location. Mark and Sean both thought the northeast corner would be a good location to put in bike racks. Dan asked about hydrant requirements. Jeff stated that if the building is sprinklered, the hydrant requirements are less. Buffalo Hill Terrace — 40 Claremont; small addition for walk-in cooler. The cooler is located in the back of the building, off of a loading area. F. Ray had talked with them previously and they will need to coordinate fire issues with the Building Department. Approved by site review. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Fox Trotter Subdivision — Stillwater Road, 10 acre site, 24 lot residential subdivision. There will be a 40' right-of-way at this time (subdivision variance request). When the property adjacent to this is developed, Mr. Tripp (to the west) will need to have the street reconstructed so the center lanes match. For now, they will develop curb and gutter only on the south side, and 5' boulevard and 5' sidewalk on the north side. There will be street trees on the north side, and a wider boulevard will go in when the street is redone. They will work with the Fire Department so that there is enough gravel and a hammerhead turn around. There will only be one access, as the other proposed road had too steep a grade. There will be some parkland for a dedicated, off -site park. They will provide a relocatable access from the cul-de-sac. This will be going to the Planning Board Meeting on February 13th Two Lot Subdivision — one-half acre off of Whitefish Stage, south of Buffalo Stage. The property is within the City and zoned R-5. They want to divide the parcel in half with a duplex on each. James was not sure if an urban route is under MDOT or the County. The front setback would only allow for a hedge 3' or less in height. F. Ray contacted Sean about the fire needs. They will need five parking spaces on each property. There is Evergreen water and City sewer along Whitefish Stage. They may need to improve the bike path and boulevard with a separation. OTHER REPORTS: West One Bank — 222 W Idaho - their curb is failing. Public Works will drive by and see if there are any issues. They are working with Fred Zavodny on this. They hope go ahead in the Spring and repair this if this is approved. Will be on the agenda next week. The Meadows — Jeff asked about the clubhouse. It will be a sales office initially, and then a clubhouse later. We will need a memo from Public Works regarding bonding for the public infrastructure. Old Sportsman & Ski Haus Building — Hwy 2 and 93 — they plan to remodel this building this summer. The large sign that was grandfathered in will likely be taken down. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m. cc: Police City Manager Bldg Fire Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works FCAOA MDOT