06-07-07 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, June 7, 2007 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Sean Conrad, City Planner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr. Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Guests: Jim Atkinson (Flathead County Agency on Aging); James Freyholtz (M.D.O.T.) Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: Aspen Creek Phase I - They put in a request for an extension last week. This will allow them three to four weeks to complete the bike path and cul-de-sac. Cedar Commons — They have another SIA that is approaching expiration. Everything is coming together there and they will send us a certificate to close this out. OLD BUSINESS: Tinseth — 750 N Meridian; new roof expansion — nothing new —off agenda for now. Morrison-Maierle — Old School Station; new office building — Per City Manager/Planning Director, the S.I.D. will deal with the bike path. The S.I.D. includes sidewalks, which would cover bike paths. The future addition will be reviewed when it comes in under fire and building code issues. Future access may be an issue for fire. Ray will need to look at the type of construction to determine the fire flow requirements. Then he will measure the fire flow, as it may require an additional hydrant. They will need to speak with Susie about the drainage plan, and then Chad can determine location and types of trees. They will need a five foot buffer around the perimeter of the parking lot. We are requiring the striped area to be landscaped instead. ADG is the owner of the property. Susie has not yet received their drainage plan. NEW BUSINESS: 1050 N Meridian — new dentist office — adjacent to the old farm house. This is at the corner of Liberty and Meridian. This is a 52 foot x 52 foot dental office building. No drainage, landscaping, or lighting plans submitted. There will be a shared parking lot. Access is existing and comes off of North Meridian. There are too many compact spaces. They are required to have 21 parking spaces. They don't need two approaches onto Liberty. They need landscaping and pedestrian access. There is a required five foot boulevard and five foot sidewalk on Liberty, which is existing. From where MDOT left off, they will need to continue the sidewalk up to their property line. They will also need boulevard trees on Liberty Street. This will be on the agenda next week. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: There is nothing for this week, but we have three subdivisions coming in next week: Mountain Vista Estates Phase 4 — 19 lots on seven to eight acres off of Three Mile Drive. Ashley Heights — Coming back for a zoning request of R-2 for 20 or so lots. Willow Creek — Revision where they are dropping the number of units by 130 to 580 units OTHER REPORTS: Intersection of Meridian Road and Three Mile Drive — Zoned B-1, they are requesting to subdivide the property. There will be shared access off of Three Mile Drive. Sean would like to waive the preliminary plat. Their parking lot has no drainage area, so it "puddles" in the middle. We will require some sort of drainage. They should check the covenants for their area. There will be a landscape green belt requirement also when someone comes in there to build. Sean will look at their sign to see if it complies. Blue Herron — The Sewer Division tried to do maintenance on the lift station, but found there were saw cuts in the asphalt. Apparently the path was put partially on private property. The path is now only 3 t/z feet wide. Charlie suggested that we move the generator over and then the path can be straightened out. Mark and Charlie will work with the developer. Holiday Inn Express — Ray mentioned that they will be having guests staying there beginning tomorrow night. Hilton Garden Inn - Ray also mentioned that they will be having guests staying there beginning June 25th Hutton Ranch — They will be opening soon. The Sportsmen & Ski Haus are getting closer. The theater still has a way to go. Bus Shelters — They will be meeting tomorrow with the City to discuss going forward with this project. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works