09-14-16 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD September 14, 2016 Present: Members: Barb Anderson, Andrea Davidson, Dave Jones, Rick Moore, Tony Nelson, & Terry Richardson Staff: Fred Bicha, Mark Friedline & Lisa Simmer The meeting was officially called to order at 4:00 pm by Dave Jones. Agenda Topics: Public Comment Approval of August 2016 minutes Tree Cycle Planning Misc. Business There was no public comment. Public Comment Approve Minutes Members unanimously approved August minutes. Current Business Tree Cycle 2016 Members reviewed and discussed the proposed Tree Cycle bike route, making suggestions, dividing list and volunteering to lead the presentations at the tree stops. Fred informed the group that Officer Dennis Bain will be giving a safety presentation at the beginning of the event at Central School and has been asked to be a part of traffic control on the ride. Fred said he has contacted Ben at the Flathead High School woods shop and he will be providing a tour. Fred said he's still waiting to hear back from Flathead Electric, to see if they are available to present. Other logistics of the ride such as water breaks, the bike rodeo, poster locations, media contacts, invites, social media and presentation content were discussed. Fred asked members to submit their information on the trees they were responsible for to him for use in the brochure. Barb was commended and thanked for the posters and banners. Mark reviewed the partnerships he has been working on, noting that Margaret Leakander, owner of Wheaton's will be having her employee Hans present to assist and the Museum at Central School executive director Gil Jordan will have a volunteer open the museum for participants to view the Indian medicine tree at the end of the event. Dave told the group he will provide the laminated tree tags listing benefit and tree values and will bring the PA system. Fred stated he will organize the 50/50 tree planting. Lisa volunteered to handle getting the water to the break location. Other miscellaneous logistics (registration table, traffic vests, helmets and core samples) and duties were discussed and member responsibilities assigned. The group set a date and time to ride the route again the following week. Misc. Business: Urban Forestry Management Plan Fred explained that he and Lisa had proofed a small portion of the management plan. He told members that he would get them a copy of the draft as soon as it was available. Fred informed the group that the consultant Jim Flott will be meeting with the public and board members in the near future to get input. Fred provided the group with these dates, noting the town hall meeting is scheduled for October 11, with the location still to be determined and the Street Tree Committee meeting October 12, 2016. Fred suggested members attend as many of the UFMP events as they can fit into their schedules, as their input is vital. Golden Leaf Award Fred provided the group with a brief description of the Gold Leaf Award, explaining that KPR had submitted for the award category of `Best Arbor Day", based upon Kalispell's 2016 Arbor Day celebration. MT Tree City of the Year Award Dave asked if staff would be submitting for the Montana Tree City of the Year award. Staff was noncommittal. Dave explained that Shelby had already submitted and provided a brief overview of the Shelby application. There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 4:52 pm. Next meeting scheduled for October 12, 2016. Minutes approved unanimously by the Street Tree Committee November 9, 2016.