Water & Wastewater Facility Plan Update South Kalispell Affidavit of PublicationHe proposed Water and Vastewater Facility Plan 3pdate-South Kalispell tevelopment is available for ownload on the City of Kalispell rebsite and 'accessed at: ttp://wiA,va.kalispell.com or may ,e purchased as a hard copy at ost from the Kalispell Public Vorks Department. :urther' information may be €btained from Aimee Irunckhorst, the City Clerk of ie City,' whose address is ,alispell- City Flail, 201 1st avenue Past, Kalispell, lontana, and whose telephone umber is (406) 758-7756. any interested persons may ppear and will be heard or may le written comments with the Aty Clerk prior to such hearing. fated this 19th day of leptember, 2016. 13Y ORDER OF T HE CITY 1. NCIL ly Aimee Brunckhorst ,imp '9 BrUnckhorst, CIMC Aty Clerk sepaember 25, and October 2, g01�6 yp . (. 3. �y q 3f5slL RM9061WIM1041 IT Fff MAW M• ` Z ALYSSA PETERSON BEING DULY SWORN,DEPOSES AND SAYS: TH. CLERK OF THE DAILY INTER LAKE A DAILY PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND COUNTYOF FLATHEAD, STATE OF MONTANA, THAT NO. 23958 LEGAL ADVERTISMENT WAS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE REGULAR AND ENTIRE ISSUE OF SAID PAPER, AND IN EACH AND EVERY COPY THEREOF ON THE DATES Of September 25, and October 2, 2016. �- I q, -E- S-- &-, I I - r -1W -------------- Subscribed and sworn to Before me this October 3, 2016 P($5 j, Dorothy I. Gle' ross Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing in Kalispell My commission expires 9/11/2017 0. y sa Uja . i o 1 i 5