Ordinance 201 - Saloon Hours201, AN ORDUFW'TIP, FIXII,;G TJUTIYR SALOONSt BARS A71D OTIW-,,R PLACES 70PA SPTRVPTJOUS� VINTJOT31,TU0.1-TORS AITD GTTFIFR BEVERAG.FM ARP, S01d)) MITIST BN CLOSED kl-1,D KEPT CLOSED, A-LiD PROVID111,71G, A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION T-;U",'REOF. BE IT ORDAD7iD BY T.17, CI17 C01711CIL OF T� CITY OF KALISPE1iL, MONTANA: Section 1. That ever`, saloon and the bar of every .hotel, tLvern, inn, club, and other place in thee City of yalispell, Montana, where spiritiious, vinous,farmented or: malt liquors or beverages are sold, shall be closed and kept closed between the hour of twelve (12) o1cicok midnight and the hour of six (6) o1cicok in the mrrning, and durine the wtrio-le of every tunday; that d-iring said time no person who is t-ne olmner or Proprieter of any saloon or bar slall sell or permit to be sold or drank upon his' premisestany spirill-ious, vinous, ferments or malt liquors or beverages, or any beverages of any, kind whatsoever. Section 2. That during the time or hours when, by the prov- isions of this 6rdinance saloons and bars -must be closed and kept clos all curtaills, screens, movable blind.s, shutters, paint, frost, dirt,or other things that obstruct the vie -a f.rom tlae oa),ts'ide of the bar or place in the saloon where liqnors arF11 sold,or kept- for sale, shall be removed. It shall be the dijty of every, licensee,proprieter ar employee in charge of arks saloon to remove any and all -movable obstruction or obstriact ions at the hour that the saloon or bar is, by the pr ovisio-,tris of this ordinance t'o close, or within fifteen iuinute,s after said 'hour, Sect'; ion 3. If any, person shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance he shall, on conviction t1-iereof, be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($2.5) no more t1an three hundred dollars ($600) or be imprisoned in :he city jail for not less thazi. thirty (30) days nor more -11han -ainety (90) da7,,s. And the l-icense of any .:person so convicted for the secn--,,3, Shall bc lr�avoked by the mayo . r as authorixed to do in Ordinance No. 191 of the City of Kalispell. After the revocation of any liquor license as above provided for, the person whose license cis so revoked shall not be entited to take out or receive an, other license as a liquor dealer for one year after the date of such -revocation. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to phar-nacists or druggists in said citxv of Kalispell wqo shall be duly, registered as such under the laws of the State of Montana, and who shall be actually engaged in the business of pharmacist, or druggist, dispensin1g, ansr or ma-lt liquors in good faith for medicinal purpose, upon the -written prescription of a reputable and duly licensed 7-.hysican actually engaged in the practice of his profess- ion, but no wtich liq,,iors so dispensed or disposed of shall be drank - or used on the premises where obtained. Section 5. Any pharmacist or druggist who shall sell or dispose oflinsaid ci,1'4,y,any spiritous, vlLnoiis, f6roented or malt 1i3-,),-uors for a-ny pur-pose 0�- In any manner otlaeAr, IEIr,s provided in this ordi- nace, during the tries when aloans and bars are re(voired to be closed according to t�p provisions of this ordina-nce, shall -upon conviction there-f.be subject to the same fines and penalties im-posed by this ordinance upon any person for selling intoxicating 11*01)or,; and other beverages during the tl.4ae saloons and oars are requir-,d to be closed. Section 6. Any physican who stall make or give any such pre- scription for any other than medicinal purposes,or m who shall make or give any such prescription in said city for the purpose of evading the provisions of this ordinance, or wNaxsIalix aiding another to avoid the sma, stall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the sane fines and penalties th4t are ire posed by this ordinance upon any person sell- ing liquors Uring the times prohibited by tids ordinance. Section 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance 4re hereby repealed. Section S. This ordinance sYPI 1, take e PPect and be in force on and after the rirst dan Of APH1 1909. The foregoing ordinance vas introduced by Alderman Buck ing1haalm and referred to the Nhys and yeans Committe who reported and raccomend that the sa", be passed. Cha motion of Alden Bucking, which mct ion was seconded by Alderman Bienz, said ordinance was passed by the following vote: Aldermen, Buckingh;m, Biens, Dickeg, Schum&nn, All aye. No noes. The ordinam e was thereupon signed by the A,ting Mayor, The Acting Mayor nominated Mrs R. M. Goshorn, and Mrs H. W. Dickey as members of the library Board. The nominatiors were confirmed by the follow!&F Vote: Alderman Bic: InEhan , Biens, Dicke? and Schumann.