06-30-16 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, June 30, 2016 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rick Parker, Building Plans Examiner Wade Rademacher, Police Captain Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer Jarod Nygren, Acting Chairman Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation); Terry Kramer (Kramer Enterprises); Eric Peterson (Kalispell Center Mall); Mike Brodie (KLJ Engineering); and Margaret Davis (resident at 160 Charlotte). HEAR THE PUBLIC: Margaret Davis — Davis addressed the committee regarding the hospital area. She read from the Kalispell Planning Report dated December 20, 2010, specifically Conditions 912 regarding a Traffic Impact Study, and # 13 regarding a pedestrian path being installed on the east side of the hospital prior to C of O for Phase 2. She believes they need to determine if ROW is needed for an eastside connector between Sunnyview and Conway Drive, and complete the path on the eastside of the hospital. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Buffalo Hill Terrace (Immanuel Lutheran West Campus) — 40 Claremont, Phase IA & 2; expansion of existing retirement facility. We are still waiting for information on the bike path. Building still needs to review this. Fincher still needs to review their landscaping plan. This will be on the agenda for next week. Papa Murphy's —238 East Center Street; new building to replace existing building on lot. Their final submittal came into Public Works. Tabler is reviewing these. This will be on the agenda for next week. Northwest Family Medicine — 70 Village Loop; new family practice medical office. Public Works is waiting for revised plans. This will be on the agenda for next week. Blanchard Dental — Commons Loop; office building. New revised plans have been received and approved by Public Works. Building has not received any drawings on this project yet. This will be on the agenda for next week. Scotty's — 2205 Hwy 93 S; new storage building. They are interested in doing anew storage building in the back at the NE corner of the property. This would be a 1,400 sq. ft. shop/storage building. Parking has been expanded to the east. There is a fence line there where they are parking. Nygren stated Sorensen had some questions on the gravel area where it needs to be paved. They will be doing a lot line adjustment. This will be on the agenda for next week. KRMC — 310 Sunnyview Lane; new women's/children's clinic. This went through Architectural Review. Public Works has started their review of this. This will be on the agenda for next week. NEW BUSINESS: Hobby Lobby — Spring Prairie 4; new retail. It will be a 55,000 sq. ft. building. Their drawing was shown and it isn't clear how far out the front entrance area goes toward the sidewalk area. This will be on the agenda for next week. Kalispell Center Mall — Herberger's expansion. Plans were received on Tuesday, including their demolition plan, existing plan and the water plan. Peterson noted they are still working on their stormwater plan. Brodie noted their proposed storm alignment will go to the curb line. Wargo is fine with that, as it is privately owned. They will be submitting a full set of plans early next week. They hope to begin their demo work on July 1 Ith. This will be on the agenda for next week. USFS — 650 Wolfpack; new storage building. This went through Architecture Review. This will be on the agenda for next week. First American Title — 219 E. Center; new office building. This will be next to Depot Place where the Quonset but used to be. They are showing their parking backing up into Railroad Street, which is a private street. Our policy has usually been not to allow backing onto a street. Discussion was held regard sidewalks. This will be on the agenda for next week. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Mann Mortgage —The Application for Annexation and Initial Zoning for the property east of the new Town Pump on Reserve for Mann Mortgage is on the July agenda. The annexation of the ROW of West Reserve Drive up to the bridge at Stillwater was discussed with Freyholtz. Rademacher stated that KPD is fine with this. Nygren noted that KFD is fine with this, too. Freyholtz is waiting to hear back from someone in Helena about this. Tree Frog — There are new owners who are wanting to put in an accessory casino. Their CUP will be reviewed at the July Planning Board Meeting. The sidewalk requirement was included with the 2 CUP originally, and it will be a condition with this as well. The name of the business will most likely be changed. Subdivision on Woodland — We have received an application for Preliminary Plat for a subdivision on Woodland. There are two lots, and they want to put a townhouse on each lot. This new plat would allow townhouses instead of just single family residential at this location. The zoning in the area allows this, but when the plat was done, the neighborhood at the time wanted it to be just single family. This will be for the August Planning Board meeting. OTHER REPORTS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works 3