Resolution 164 - Resolution of Intent - SID 27M A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL WROVMCFET DISTRICT NTO BE 'IT RESOLVED BY T17 CITY COUNCILOR THM .CITY OF KALISPELL That it is. the intention of the $aid city council to create. a new;. special improvement district o be known as Special Improvement District IIo,27, for the purpose of constructing cement walks tbarein, the boundaries of which said species improvement distrt t are to be as follows,, to -wit; commencirAg at a paint in the center of the alley between see €end bd third Ave ues East, at. its intersection with the south line of t1v Graat Northern Railway Co., right of way, thence south un the. seater of said 'alley between second. and. hird Avenues East t i the intersec.tic'n with the south line of Lot One in Block 83, thence east Gong: the south lime of.. said lot one in .block 83., and lot 12 in `block 82, to its intersection with the center line of the alley between Third and -mo rth Avenues Ras' ,, thence north: along the ceder of the said.alley. to its intersection with the cou.th line of tho Great Worther Railvray co.., s: right of way, thence West along said south.line of said Railway Co pans right -of -way t.c the place of beginning. Said d . strIct to include the follo'�ving described property to -wit; Lot 12 in joc .52, the. West Half of Blocks 79, 63,1 59.1 421, aA 39, and Lot I in Block 83 and the East half of Blacks 78, 63 8, 43>, and 5 .s: Said •pecial. Improvement district here.J.n above described is to be improved as follows... By constr c tir. cement walks on both sides of Third Avenue Eastwithin, .the ab-ov:e describedbond.aries which samenL,Tfa ks shah be constructed so as to confoyto. , the f l.low spe i f i s,tioni , to -wit; Siaalks t.o he constructed of Portland cement, sand and gravel mixed with waterifoundations to b of not four inches of gravel or card ers concrete to be not less than three and one half inches thick; made in the following proprotions one part acceptable Portland Cement, two parts sarad, and four parts broken stone or gravel. The top dressing of said walks shall be not less than thre fourths of an inch thick, consist ing of" one part Portland cement,sarpe as used in concrete to one and one half parts sand; Tialk to be five feet wide, and to be a space of one foot between property line and walk. The approximate cost of said improvements is the sum of $3200.00 and the same shall be paid by special assessment upon all of the assessable property within said special Improvement 1)istr4ict exclusive of streets, alleys and public places,, and each parcel or piece of land within said district shall pay that proportion of the cost of said improvements as the area thereof bears to the area of the entire district exclusive of str,-=ets, alleys and public Be it f,,,irther resolved th,,,::A notice be published in the ,al ispell journal for at least one issue for the full time requir- ed by law therefor, said alispell jbRrnal being a newspaper of g eneral circulaticn in slalid city of alispell, Montana, giving notice of the intention onthe part of -'said city council to make said improvements notifying all owners or agents of the property within the said - special improvement district ITo 27 to be affected or bene- fited thereby, tit said city council of4the City of Kalispell .11 meet on the 21st day of tTay 1908, at 8011cicok P. Y. in the Chambers at the City Hall in yali-spell, yontana to consdder axe objections to the final est&lishment of said Special. Improvement District,which said objections must be written and filed with the City clerk on or before said date. it is further ordered kka by the (,ity Council that all assessments leivied against said pro-prty within said special improvement District -No. 27, shall be in eight equal annual instal- lments or payments the first of which shall be p aid do the year 19083, and all deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of six pe r cent per annum. Moved by Buckinglyari and seconded by Rognlien that said resolution do pass. Said motion was carried by the follo-Tying vote; Aldermen Buckingham Bienz, Dickey, Jones, 'Rognlien and Schumann, Aye; Wo. noes.