03-24-16 Parking Board MinutesCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: March 24, 2016 Location: KPD Conference Room In attendance: Mark Pirrie, Janet Clark, Joel Schoknecht, Bill Goodman, Captain Wade Rademacher, Planning Director, Tom Jentz and Senior Planner, Jarod Nygren Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at 7:35 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie 2. Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Bill, second by Janet. 3. Approval of January 28, 2016 Board Meeting: Moved by Janet, second by Joel. 4. Hearing of the Public: 5. Approval of Financial Statements of January and February 2016: Moved by Janet, second Mark. 6. Updates from City Parking: 7. Unfinished Business: 8. New Business: 9. Planning Director, Tom Jentz and Senior Planner, Jarod Ny2ren: Jarod provided a summary of the Traffic Engineering Study done for the courthouse couplet. The US 93 project from Somers to Whitefish is four lanes and the only area that wasn't completed is the courthouse couplet. Traffic counts have been done using a model bypass in place. This study projects out to 2040. The summary includes 8 alternatives using a baseline of Main Street as it is today. Discussion followed. Tom and Jarod will attend our May meeting to present their findings for the parking studies. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 19, 2016. Adiournment: Adjourned at 8:20 a.m. Approved by the Board on: May 19, 2016 Respectfully submitted: Karen Durado