Ordinance 169 - Fruit Pests0 cl"-i)is :F',�����--'37f-, , 14 y On 01rulnunce to Provida for the Prevention of the Sprehd of wont uninus Yruit Treee, for the Cure "d •Atirpullon of Fruit AM, BF TT MaVINED it TAR CIM.' '_7'3 ITCIL"I 11_zi THR CITI 02 MAITPALO Tnat for tAe purpose of preventing the spread of contagious dis- eases among fruit treen and for the pre` entLon, cure and extirphtior, of fruit peots, mn! in p"Yticular what is known as the "lodlinr _bnM and diseases of fruit and fruit trees, urd for Me disinfection of Zrafts, scions and dunEerous to orchMs, fruit Wl, fruit trees - it is hereby ordained that every pereon within the lWits of th-,- City of 7alispeil Whc has bouring upple trees or bearing pear trees, on any lot ur lots owned by him or her, or under nis or Aer control, ShAll have th2 awne Spruyed fioO,tAT iawth forsprea, of the Mdlinr 7oth and other inse2ts or pests injurious to fruit or fruit trees, Drovided furtner, thot the insracter of Vrult Pests shali des- ignute tie oenscn or seasons of toe year for such 4pr"ying and tqe times durin,­ yeor such 4, e pr e trees 1,,e d, Mdinj no j5rsun or persons stall te comp9iled to spray his 3r nea trees to exceed.zour times in "n! one !earl und further ts"t spraying or disinfawAnC shall he imaedlate suyervi5ion the nistvict %spector of 7ruit Wepts for 7istrict Fix bf une Van, of Vontan", or under "-i--c- -1jpo-r-iKen of oame wzdt4ble >ervon deeig- te ,d 'o,­ inspector of 7ruit Trees. And it is Further Pruvided 7hat if any pennon owning fruit trees, shrubs or plants, or h"Ang such under his control 3r poszession, to under Direction of tne inspector of Fruit, Pests within tvj,,-� "J"ter vsinp notified tu do so by z"V inspecta- of 7ruit Pests, the said Worectur Df 7rult Pests shall Wsryupo-yn spr4y and disinfect the Wd fruit vreeE, shrubs or plwnts,und his total ch-Me for Onid nPrayiny "nd Aininfecting Ur nny one ye"r shall cot exceed Twen%-fivc-oents ber tree so spr"yeu, unich become " special tax arainst propurly, on whMn said trees, shrubs or Plants are situated, nd collected me such. Me Act shall ve in M! force and effect frum mnd after He' p"ssxre and approval. 10proved QMS tAe