Resolution - Contract - Electric LightsA HASOMUTION AUTHORIZIRG A-,-E)� _`�JLRECTITT!G, 7' 0,1P A_,:,'_JJ1 CT"Y CLERK TO. AFTER INTO A'CONTRACT WITV THE N007'7__�_ -- TE�A'jo I 03TIT-AiT�A p0l',79,'R r,07TA'17 F0R�TMMCTR1VL10HTS PERIOD 07 TWO YEARS UPON THY CUM?ITIONS POP TEE CITY HER91N OP KAIISPE11 POR A SET FORTH, ff! ------------------------------- BVIT RAPOLVMD BY THE CITY COUNCIL 0' THM, CTTV 0:7, -KALT!-�TT,L.L' ­7'�-T,,RFAS, ,That certain contract and agreement entered into between the City of Kaltpell an? the Kalispell Water and Electric Cpmpqny dated Angust 94th, 19u7 to-minntes rn the 28th da7 of whereas. the City Council of the City of.Kalispell is desihous of renewing sai6 contpact upon the same conditions and terms as therein set Corth with the 7orthern Who and Montana Awer,Company, y4ich last na,-,ipd company is noi the owner of thae water workq system, electric light planVand telephone a7stm-�l formerly owned by the Kalispell Water & Rlectric Compan7� � BM IT THERMV01B PURTAMR R%01VMD, That the Mayor and City Clark be -,with-iorized and Wrected t6 enter into and execute an the part of Wd City of Xalispell,.a written contract whereir, the City of Kalispell shall agree to pay to the said 7orther-s-1 Idaho and Muuntana Power Compe;,ny the sum of Thrge hundred and 7inety- six and An/In" 7ollars �1396.0n) per month for Eighty-eight (88) alternati g series enclosed are 4lectric la;Ts with a capacity of 4-4/i 0 aq eres.as located in said City and Four and 50/100 Dollars ( .4/SO) per month per liEht for each additional stveet light of above nentioned size that may be ordered in by the City Council of the City of Kalispell in addition to the said eighty- eight Imps: � 7 Provided, said NortAern Idaho and Montana Power Company shall agyre to fornish to the City of Kalispell, fron of charEe, the following light service, viz :- One Arc liUht of the 6apaciQ of 4-4/10 a,',Iperes to be used in front of the 71re Department of the City Hall as now in place,,and ltghts for the City Hhll, and all of the offices and rooms therein,,and the Carnegie Librar7, provided, however, that the ano"nt of electric current to be furnished Q the Northern 1daho and Ontana-Power ConTany free aj charge to th, City shall not exceed in val& Thirty-five and 00/00 nollars ($35.00) per month fo r aii:l month' F; coi sumu t ion of elot r !a cu rrent in the C 07 Hal and Twenty and 00/00 Dollar; ($20.00) per month for any month's co-nsu�'�,'.qpt ion of ejectric current in the Carnegie library, said con- s,,�iimap-',ion, to by g1jecordidAy the Northern 1daho and kcntana Po-er Company's meters,as located in the above designated placos, and provided p0ther that the the Citu is- to pay to th, Northern idaho cmd Montana Power Company at regularly established meter rates for any excess of current that may be consumed in any month above the anount of cornsiimption he-ein above stated: Also water for the uses, viz: Car- negie Library, City Ehil, two Public Foundains anO water for sprink- ling Bo"levards; Also threw Telephnnes in the City Hhll and one Telephone at the residence of the Fire chief of the City of Kalispell, Passed and approved this,6th day of july, 1909. Attest: EN A, Kandali,Clty Clark" B. Jones, Mayor.