Resolution - SID 65A RVSOLW!!,M"',_, ',,.0 ESTARLISH SPROAL IMPROVZMEN DISTRUI YOM. ------------- 000 --------------- BE IT RASOLVID BY THEVIT7 C07NCIL OP,TVV CAY-OP XAMSPUL: That it is the intention of said City Con&il to crante' a new Special Typrovenent Distnict to be known as Spec ' i a. 1 .1 f �ip - rovement Mstrict- No. 65, for tlir� of improvi p ng t he to stablish grades, curbs and construct graso plats, saw grass seeds and n1ant trees therein and to grade the avenues thorain, the boundaries of which said Special L_,iprove-rip-.�t District are to be as follows, to -wit: - Beginning at tne intersection of the center- of First,St. west with the center line of the alley between 6th and V th Aves wasti Lhence south through ths center of said alley to the centervof 7th st. thence west throug4 tha center of 7 th street to its intersection with the center line of tAa alley betwenn-70 and Sth avenues west; thence north along the center line Of"smid last n"med alley to the center of Ist St.; thence east to place of beginning. Sai6 district to include all MAW in the mast,half of Blacks, 162, 165, 170, 174, 179, IBA and -the west hall of Blocks 161, 166, 169, 175, 178, lbb of Addition To. 1 to the townsite,of KalisPeil. Said Spacial improvement District herein above described V roved as follows: By establishing a grade, upon saici Seventh Avenne West with the limits-abova anscribed, can- .structing curbs within said boundaries an both sides of said avenue, grading, graveling and boulevarding the s"a-i'le, 'So�"Iing grass seeds and plantinE trees in the grass plats, grhding up the center of said avenue between said cirbs which said curbs shall be Aghteen feet from th, p-operty lines, bringing the avenue to grade and placing gravel thereon, giving it a Younded anj smooth appearance and surface and also by establisA7 ing and putting in crossings wherever the sa,,r�e bi� necessar.-yr. Tbo cost of saiO. i_,,'_�provenents is the hum of $4824.00 and the same shall be paid by special assessments upon all -of thB assessable property within said Special Tmpravment District, exclusive of streets, alleys and public places, anti each piece or parcel of land within BaK district shall that p r ap o r t i o n o f thi� k, o s t () f 1(7� ' _'� li�v' r a V a le n t a s ", 'I've i t -�� 4 e�r e ("; f Aears to the area of the Wire district. exclusive of streets, alleys and rublic plices. Be it further resolved t4at notice be yublishad in thp 'Kalispell Purnal for at least one issue for M full time re- quired by law thqrafo-, said Kalispell jOurnal being a news- paper of general circulation in said City of Kalispell, hantana, giving notice of the intention on tbP rp t nf nnif City K"ncil to make said improvements notifyinR all ownero or agent cf the property 4ithin said Special Kroiement Dint-ict No. 65, to bp s?frolnd P- h-nV!+*PQ therRby', said City Council of thAR City of KaWspall will meet on the 21th day of Kgust, l9g9, Out 8 P.m, in the Corntil Challers at the City Hall, KallapdLI, Montana, to consiier any objections to the final establishment 383 4 -)bjz?,-,- m'l or Sa b e, Vir i e 0 �V dP.te all 1', i -3 f h c-, 1 b C a j(-j 'S e 4 "1 s s s, t s lev"'ed Lary, rovet��P-j­.,tl T) JL P, t 63 5 s 1-Y-, 11 b�� i e 5 A A, or p-I yme-a-L's t'ne fIrst of Jc sha 3. 1 rP.id y- t 'n ar I'D,09 , an(' all pa-loe-Y-1 s t C) t r e of six ner c-ent r".1, F41`1�11,�Iill, "r �FL D U-0.1yally Pass-ed uncl aprraved 21�d de,-- o f s t , 19 o9 ,­�a 1. Or A t t 'I. A. Xp,�.O P-1 L, C i t C I er k