Resolution - Water Mains - 3rd Ave W381 A ORT)HRITR3 'TIDE EXTENSION OF TEE WATER HAINS OF THE KALISRRLI WATER & EITI-k'107-RIC CQLP.11-101A'�. ----------- 000 BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE CIT-17 COTNCIT, 07 TEE CITY OR KALIRPALL: tv"t tie Awspell watnr & Electric camnany be re- qqlred, U26 is hereby reqwired, in accordance with tAq pro- visions of Ordinance No. 21 heret0forelassed to extend its watew mains as follows: - Beginning at theo present water main at the inter- section of Montana Street and Third Avenue West and rjnning�' thence nortb along said Third Avenue West tc Washington Street, a distance of two blacks. And permission is hereby given the Kalispell Water & Electric Compony to use wooden pipe wrapped WitA wire ana of the sane constroction, etc. as haretofore nsed in the ex- tension of nains in the City of Kalispell. BE, iT P0901=1 That the City Clerk be di -acted to serve a copy of this r9solution togethnr with an order re- quiring the extension of said mains as ahove set forth upon the Kalispell Water L Electric CanTany. Attest: Passed and approved tils 2nd da- of August, 1999. EN A. Kendal -1 City Clerk, B. Jones,