Resolution 241 - Interest - SID WarrantsM A R-R,53011UTJ Oil PROVTDRI) 7j,)P TTM P,4jr;�FITT 075' UNT F,71EST ON 9--PEC IAL UPROVEM17NT DIST-PTOT 7L s BE IT TIESOLVED BY CTTIT C017-Tr"IT, 0 , j-, 7, C 1 '71?' 74 X A - I, I-TI, '� "'I F T R - 0, - I ISP, L: sect"ion 1. That t-nr-�,, in"e-rest on -';'r�v-,'r'<,,1its 0-ra-dn �t�fainst any special ir-uprovemen", district fund, wherein the resoltition creating the special improver,-,Ient disIll-rict provides for t)ae cost of the -work done to be paid for In more than three annual in- stallj--aents or payments, slrnll be paid antn!,-0-ly by the City Tres- urer on the Is '14- day of janizary of eaeri yeaq on all -�.,varrants oi.it- standing algainst any such district. Section 2. The Cit, Treasurer shall at the time any ,warrants, as designated in Section One hereof, are registered by him, stamp or endorse upon the face of said warrants the fol- lowing nol'.-atlon "T lhe interest o,-I M ils warrant is nayable annually on the 2s t day of January each year by Ci-ITY Treas- urer ." Sect 4on 3. The I;rovis ions of this r,'�solution sh-all to all viarrants, such as de.signated in Section One hereof, which have heretofore been iss,,,,e�L3 -,)r xqa-y ),.e reafter be, iss,,ied, Attest: 9 Passed and ap-rar ed this 25th day of ILay, 1909. H. A. Kendall City, Clerk. B. JonRs vor, The following resolution was thereupon read* A RPOOTUTION PROVTDRD P073 TJT,11�, 07 iTTEPEST O'Nr SprCTA! INPR07EVRTT IDTSTRICT WA7'RA__74S. BF IT WOWD BY THB CITY C07YCII OF 7HN CITY OR KAIIS- sec. 1. Tkat the interest an warrarts drawn against any special improviment district -fund wherein the resolutions creating the special improvement district provides for the cost of the work done to be paid for in more than three annual installments or payments,shall be paid annually by the City Treasurer on the Ist day of January of each 7ear, an all warrants ontstanding aEainst any such 6istrict. Sec.2. The City Treasurer shall at the time =7 war- rants I as designated inSection One, hereoflare reCistered by hir. stamp or Waargeupon the face of s aid qarrants the R) llowing notaticn:- Ohn interest on this wa-rants is payable annually on the lst c1q, & jarriary each year by the City Treas"rer". Sec. 3. The provisions of this resolrtion shall a �jly to all Mf have warrants, such as ddsignated in Section One hey, heretofore been issued or which ma7 Nreafter be issued havravard a 19. Moved by Alderi�,iax TD-ind and seconded by AlderLan Bainz that the fa-eUoinE resolution be passed, Notion carried by the following vote: Ruck 'Beinz, Child, Hand anj Shaffroth, "Ale". No "Pas S"' On motion duly made aW secoAvd the Coiincil adjoiir-red. 4 �N' ff Attest: ------------------- My Cler k.