Resolution - Assessment - SID 52- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A R11 07411,T ION . A XV3501,11TIM LEVYIM-1 AN AMIMISMT UPOTI CARTAIN PROPIRTY. 114 MOTAl-, IM07-MaMT, DISTRTM 140. 52 POR THR PTIRP0819 OF DR- FRAYIM TIP, MT 07 CONSTRUCTTON 03%flTITT SIDWALKS WITHIN TM L11111TS OF SAID DISTRICT. The Cit7 001MOU of the Cit'Y of Kalispell ban heratofore passed a resolntlon by the tem-a of which special Improvement District No. 11�2 was treated for the purpose of conrstr�-Otirr' cement sidewalks along certain portions of the streets and aveyr4e& within said dlotrict,, and provIsion made therein "for the payment of the cost of sald worX by levy- Ing against tbp, property In sa-M Special Improvement District Y () . 5 9. - BR, IT PURTMIR RNSMID, Tb,%t a leVY be made against all the assesnable proparty vtthin the limits of Special Improve- mi�nt District No. 521 a Property. Amount, Owne r . Block No. 60. $73.64 Kal. Bldg 4 TAo4n 6. Block -10, 61. 1. 210.17 Belle Winnett-T-ewls 71.43 lw�a A. Burnett 71.42 1.9. T. Cooper 4. 71.42 J - R. Cocks `7 D. j - Plume 6. 7 1. 4 P 11, 0. Keith Block No. 80. 1. #70.75 Mary '.L. Coram 4. 37 .96 ru%ry A . J. jWws 15, 67196 Ann& M-. Duncan Block W 194. Lot 7. #r , 517 )2 . Ketcyam V 62. 3*7 Ma ry A. D ingmn 62,37 C.F. Light 1AII 621:57 B106k No. 197. 7. 4i6p.-s3 John 0. Skiftere 62.55 Rebaer'a Val;Vm 631,33 L. fo,Klenok 10. 31.17 L. 0. Klenck 31.17 T. C Mund 6 3 1 513 T. C. Hi" Aroperty. A. IN Mhooner Passed aQd approved this 25th aRr of August , 19q9/ Attest: R. janes H. A. Kendall, City Clark. YU70r.