Resolution - Assessment - SID 56A 0 L U T 1 0 AN JOWROWNT UPON 0MARITAirg rRop-,%RTY in SPECIAL IMPROMMIT ASTRICT NOK IOR QX13 PURP0139 07 7MMAYIX TM3 COST OF CONMUCTIVO CEMENT STERVAMS WIT12N TER LIVITS 07 9ATP DISTRICT. W ------------- 000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Property, Amount. Wok No. 194. Lot $21 '115. 2. 50:7 W102) Block W, 19T. 46607 QW01I. Conrad NOW! Bank, 0 4 0 fonrad NaVI Bank C.-S. Wrad C. 3, Conrad Fannie T. Dlokanaon. Wrosald sums to be paid In eight equal ainual PqrAents with Intorest on diforrY Qynants.at tho rate.0 six per oent per annum, ThA said pagoonts to be made on or before the 30th of Member of oxch and every year, tble Wrst Of which onto 5hall be Mao in the Year IVO It In further oYdered that the City Clerk aball publish notioo of the pasaage of thla reablution five'day prior to W dam of October, 1909, at w0ch time tbo City Council *1TW*WVjQ.qonzAdor objottions to the special usaesnnent as-hareln made. Attest; Pass9d and approved this Wth 6ay of Angnst, 19099 Clerk. A. zones, m4yor.