Resolution - Assessment - SID 32A R 3 3 0 L U T 1 0 W. A RAMOWT TOM L3VY1V7 AX ASA-W=T UPON MUM PROPIRTY IN S7"TAT4 VVIRWAYMITT DISTRICT NO. 32 POR T-97 PURP0371 OP A-3- FRAYIM V9 003T O-P CONSTRUCTIM, CXWWT MINATAS WITHIN sAID D11TRICT, -------------- ----------- rRM,A8,1 Tha CIty, Cor-noll of tho City of ftlisp*11 has :4,ere- Worm passed % resolution by the terms of which Sopoial Improyoment District No. 32 was created for the purpose of constructing cement sidewalks along cortain portions of the street# and av4nues within saidAlstrIct, and provision made tborein for the payment of '%';he cost of said work by levyAng against the property In said Special Improvement DIstrict N,o, ;52. BIN IT PURTINER JTR,%0LVVD1, That a levy be made against all the assessable property w1thin tb* limits of Sptoial Duprovemert, District No. 32, as follows;- Prope rty Axonnt. Ownor slook No, 52 $55.46 Jul la A. B0�716 55.46 Goo. Roper 55.46 Nexinloy 4. 55.46 '5' $5.46 Anna, C., Ross 6. 55.46 Block No. 69. Lot 1. $55.46 Jk74111JO PhoeniX 3. 55.46 D, J. Plume 6. 56.44 Joseph A. Ne"Alroy 4. 55.46 Goo/ Kirk 5. 55.46 0. R, Coverdale st, 55.46 Minnie & Vm Mooring Th.e aforesaid aims to be pa Id in e Ight e qual arinual paymints With Interest on dater -rod paymento at t�w rato of SIX per cent, per annum. The said paymnnta to be mado on or before the 30th day of Novomber oll" each and every year, tho first of" wh-lob pwments sball be nads In the y--.ar 19091L . It is furt.,,)�er ordered that the Cit-Y Clerk shall publish notice of tho I passage, of t,riis resolution five days prior to the d,ay of October, 1909, at w)-Uch time the City Council will meet to consider objections t10 thp special assessment as made. Passed an(l aivroved I'l-qis 741-.7a dV,, of September, 1909? A-1-, t e st: B. Jones. la -Fr 0 r . ff. A. Xendalj, City Cl=�rk,