Resolution - Assessment - SID 40R198-111T I" VIVIM X'1 ASSFASISM MIT CMTAIN PRJOMV, W ISPROU1. rgPROVM.MT DT117RICT NO. 40 VOR �TIFT. PTIMPOSS 077 DR- FRAYDM THR COM 07 CONSTRUCTINO C'MINIT SIDNIAMS WITNIX SAID DISTRIM. --------------- B 1 T TT VUt4TF!7'_R RNSOLVXD3, That a lavy be made against all the assessable proporty within the limits of Speolal Improve- ment District No. 407 as Property. Amount. Own*r. Block go. 64. Lot 7 F.W. Buekson 61-34 Peter IS. Morrls 16! $41.34 Prark S. MO�848 11. 61.54 Rater S. VOrrls 61.54, loan JAMOS 13 61,34, Chris Kell* 14. 61,34 jolm-son & C.O.T 61,�34 Carr �q Per -rod 16. 61.34 17. 61.,a4 Chas Li-adlahr No. 65, Lot X. 61.34 61.34 0 11ty of Nal Lovell 61,34 0 4. fill 34 W., A, ConrA-d 0 5. 61.34 Gwo W. Proctor 0 6. 61134 uulaney 01.34 61.34 61.34 OX& Lee j ames 0-1.34 41.34 81.34 The afere'said sums to be paid I n til F, ht aqual Annual wments at tho rate of $7. 67, annu;O, ly � f or es.c',h wA a vory twenty-flve foot lot wilthin said district with Antqr*�St on deforrad pa", onto at the v�atq. Of six por'aervt per armum, The jaid paymant* to be rmAo on or bofore the 30th de.,,;r of November of each. and every. ynar, the first of' which psyments sball 'be paid In tho y-�ar 1909. Tt -to _TnrtbPr 6rderisd that tho Olt7 C' -. ork, r hal I ru hl i sh notice of th�p of this r-�isolutlon f1vo dayn 1_,-�rior to the day of Ootok*r)�4909,j at which time the city 0011noil WAI meet to oonsider ob4ectiqns to the apeciai asoosament aa here in mad al Passed and aprroved this 7th da,(r of Septeiriber 1909. At t e s t; H, As Xenuall.,Qit7 13. Jones, gayor.