Resolution - Assessment - SID 34ff�' A R 39 1 0 L U T 1 0 X . ------------- 000 ----------- BID IT 'PURVOR TYat a levy bo made against all ' the aaais sabl m. pro r.,,erty Wlthln:'the It'nits'Of Speolal Improve- ment District Nro. 54, as ftllows:- Property. Am, unt. Owner Blook No. 34 Lot 12, $37V. 4 7 Wm Sharp. Bl*ok go. 47 Lot 1. $3,79.47 GeorFco Thornton 18 361.16 T. C. Chnes Block 'go. 35 Lot 12. $514.19 UcVtosh Hardware Co Blook 'go, 46 * 24. $470.42 Conrad TPAtional Bank Slook 'No. M, * 12. t429.46 Mary white Blook Uo. 45, 24. $454,16' Ora 31., Berzett Block '90. 3? 01 Prederlek Redsker Distriot No.44, $190*56 "Rohool. Dist, A 5 SOX 81"k 34. Zot$ 1 2 $576.09 Dr. J., A,. Lamb The aforesaid x;ws to be paid in eight equal annual payments with Interest on deferred payments at theratoof s1z, per 0ent per amum. The sald payments to be made on or be- fore the 30th day of November of each and every year, the first of which payments *hall be made In the year 1909. Tt is further ordered that thi City Clerk aball publtsh notice of thv passage of this resolution five days prior to the day of Octobero 1909, at Vblch time tbo CiVy Council will moot to *onsider objections to the special assessment an herein made. Att�,st: Passed and approved this 7th day of Septembpr, 1909. B. Jones, Mayor. H. Qlerk,