Resolution - SID 71M A RASOLUTTON TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL TMPROVEHRUT D19740T NO. 71. -------- 000 ------------- BE IT RESOLVED BY TBN CITV r,0Tr_rTr-ITj OP TEE CITY OF KALISPELL: That it is the intention of said City Coqncil to create a n;w special improvement district to be known as Special V- provement Distrdct No. 71; for the purpose of constracting cement sidewalks on each side of the Itreet therein, the boundaries of which said Special I,,p­ovement District are to be as followsn, to -wit: - Commencing at a poi0t where the north line of Fourth St. intersects the center line of the alley between NAin Street and First Avenue East, thence south along the center line of said alley to its intensectAon with the south line of Eighth Street" . thence west along the south line of Eighth Street to the point WTI where the same intersects the center line of the alley between Main Street and First Avenue West; thence nort% alcnZ the center line of satA alley to a point. where the same intersects the north line of Fourth Street, thence east along the north line of Fourth Street to the place of beginninE. The boundaries of said district to include all the lots in thelo ast half of Blocks 75-86-95-106 and the west half of Blocks 76-85-96 and 105 of the original townsite of XKlispall,Montana. Salf Spech.A_ Iorovement District herein above described to be improved as follows: By constructing cement sidewalks on said Main Street within the above described limits according to the spec if icat ions for cement sidewalks as set forth in Section 2 of Article II of Chapter XII of the Revised Ordinances of 1899, as amended by 0-dinance No. 197, passed and approved July 20, 1908. The approximate cost of said improvements is the sun of an d th, same siall be paid by spec- =af_Zs3es,srie_iTU up6ii =all of thy assessable property within said Special Improvement District, exclusive of streets, alleys and public plac es, and each piece or parcel of land within said dis- trict shall pay that proportion of cost of said improvments as the area thereof boars to the area of the entire district exclusvie of streets, alleys and public pl"ces. Ba it furthmr resolved that notice be publishBd in thrie Kalispell Journal for at least one issue for the full time re- quired by law therefor, said Kalispel Journal being a newspaper of general circulation in said City of Kalispell Montana, eivinF, notice or the intention on the part of said City Co"ncil to make said improvements notifying all owners or agents of the property within said Special 1,,T-rovement District No. 71, to be affected or benefitted thereby, that s aid City Council of the City of KalispALl will meet on the 12th day of October, 1909, at 8 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chaambers at th,�,, City Hall, Kalis- pell, Montana, to consider any objections to the final estab- lishi,qent of said Special I,,provement Dis trict, which said ob- jections raust be written and ­Med with the City CIP.rk on or before said Ate. It is furth--�­ ordered by the Cit-y, Council, that all assessments levied against said property within said Special Improverient District T-To. 71, shall be paid in five equal install- ments or payments, the T'irsto of whi 'h, shall be paid in the yeex 1910, and al! f�leferrnd to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annw-zi, pay�L le annually on all axiounts remaining unpaid. Attest.* Passed and approv,--�d this 4th day o." October, 1909. H. A. Kendall d Ca B. Jon�-,sj 'Mayor.