Resolution - SID 69+41 A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL INTROVEMENT DIXTRICT7NO. 69. BE IT RASOLVED BY TIT G TY COUNCIL OF TOP CITY OF KALISPELL: That it is the intention of said Council to create a new -Special Improvement District to be known as Special Improvement Tistrict 7o. 69, for th; purpose of constructing cement Me - walks on each side of the Avenue therein, the boundari:s of which said Special Improvement District are to be as followyy- to-wit:- Beginning at the intersection of the center of First Street with the center of the allyy between First and Secold Avenue West; thence south through the center of said alley to Fourth Street; thence west through the center of Fqurth.Street to the il ersection of the center line of Ponrth Streef with the center line of the alley between qSecond and Third Avenues West; thence north along the centeo line of said alley to the center of Pirst Street; tbenceeaAsthrough the center of First Street to place of beEinnine. Said special Improvement district herein above described to be improved as follows: by constructing cenent sidewalks eight feet in width on said Second Avenue West within the above described limits according to thR specifications for nement side- walks as set forth in Section 2 of Article 11 of Chapter X11 of thB Revised Ordinances of 1899, as andaded V Ordinance No 197 passed and I)proved July 10th, 1908. The pproximate cost of said improvements is the sum of $92.00 per lot and the same shall be paid by special assessment upon iLl of the assessAble property within said 9,peoial Iviprovs- ment District, exclusive of stre:ts, alleys and public places, and Inch piece or parcel of land within said district shall pay that proportion of cost of said improvements as the area thereof bears to the area of tbA entire disttict exclusive of streets, alleys Lnd public places. Be it further resolved that notice be p"blished in the Calispell Journal for at least one issueVor the full time re- quired by law therefor, said Kalispell J urnal beipg,a newspaper of general ciroAlation in said City of Kilispell,Montana, givinAg notice�on the part of said City Council to make said improvenants aotifying all owners or agents of the property within said Special I"Provement District No. 69, to be affectyd or benefitted thereby, Yhat said City Council of the City of Kalispell will meet on the 22nd day of September, 1909 at 8 o'clock P.M. in W Council Chanfibers at the City BA111 Kal ispel I Montana, to consider any objections to the final est0lishment of said Special Improvezent District, which said objections must be written and f il ed w ith the C i ty Cle rk on or b efo re sa id date. It is f-"Irt-qer Orderedby t"Aa City Uouncil, that all assessments levied against said T)rui�erty, within said Special Improvennent District No. 69, sball be paid in eight equal installifientc,z or ra�rments, the first of which shall be paid in the year 1910, and all deferredpayments to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per arm -am, �ayabie annually. 'Passed and approved this 7th dgy of September, 1909. B. Jones or Attest: TI: A. Kere al 1, City Clerk.