Resolution 220 - Transfers FundsA RMSOLUTION TRANSPERVING CERTAP-T 7-TJ,-MS 13,-�i THE CITY TREASURY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THM CIT7 COIJ'-t,,TCIL 07 TIR CITY Of KALIS- PELL: That the sum of $989.22 be transferred from the General And to th? Water & Lighb Fund, and that th sum of 4987.6a be traniferred from the Contingent Fund to the Ahter & Light Fund. That the s7m of .45 cts. be transferred from Sewer District No.1 to Sewer District No. That tio aum of $29.04 be transferred from Improvement District No. 20 to the General Fund., That the sum of AM be transferred from Sewer District No. 1 to the General Fund. Passed and approved this- day of- 1 1909. T A THU. Attest: MAYA. H., Au MUM alf-t7y Clerk. c omittee: Certain Ilunds in the C1,V Treasury - BE 1T PESOL! =F- 37- THIR CITY COUNCIL OF 77ME3 CITY OF that the sum of 0989,122 be tri�*nqfarred lfrcw the Gereral Pand to "he Water &. Light, Y_U-4d, -and th4t the sum of $987-68 be trioxisferred from the Contingent. YiAnd to the Ilater & Liffht Yund. That the s*,.n of 45 cts. be t-r@,-ns-.1L7,erred fro2-d Sewer Dis-'C'r.ict No,l two Sewer D!��trict No.2. That the a= of $29.04 be traiis- ferred frm Improvement. District I.A-o.20 to the 'General 11�d. 'J"ha;t the su-n, of $4-31 be t-rains.`Lerrei from Sevier Distris-It No.1 to -the 0'enera.1 und. on motion of A"deman Buckingham, seconded by, Alderman Bianz ��aid Resolution -was passed by the following vote: Buckingham, Bienz, Child and Dickey "Aye"; no "Noes." The petition of the Yalispell Drug Connpann-y for -DeMlit T.o erect 11 V an eiectric aign in front, of thel-.Lr place of business was referred 'Go the Chielf of Police, perEn,.-Lission being given s4id Comr;any to con��truct a s�.Jgn under h-L-,:, supervision. Upon petition of tlhe proper-'Cly owners residinE along Fifli;h A,,re. West, tlae following resolution was pasoed.; C�