Resolution 217 - Resolution of Intent - Duncan's AddnI A RESOLUTION. le Is A RESOLUTION DECLARING TER INTH4TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF KALISPELI" MONTAN I TO EXTEND TAT BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OP KALISPELL TO INCLUDE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN TPACT OR PARCEL OR TLAUKD CONTIGUOUS,TO THE CITY OF KALISPELL, KNOWN AS DUNCANS ADDITION; TOG) ETHER WITH CERTAIN OTHER PLATTE10 TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAND ADJOINING SAID DUNRANS ADDITIUR ON THR&EST AAD CONTIGUOUS OT THE CITY OF KALISPELL; AND RIqUIRIWG TE7 CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OP SAID INTENTION ON T-F, PART OF TAT SAID CITY COUNCIL. BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TER CITY OF KALISPELL: That it is to tie best interests of thR inhabitants of the City of Kalispell, Montana, anj to the inhabitants of a part of what is commonly known as Duncans Aadition tq valisyeli, Homtana, end the inhhabNants of certain other tracts and parcels of land adjoining said Duncans Addition and all being contiguous to the city of yalispell, Montana, all of which is nnre particularly described and bounded as follows, to -wit; h Beginnino-at a poInt where the center line of 3rd avenue east in the city of yalispell intersybts the North line of thR present city limits; thRnce running North 14 351 West, being on a line which is a wtinuation of the center line of said 3rd Avenue East a distance of 760 feet; thence running North twenty one degrees and fifty five minutes east, a distance of 405 feet; thenci running South 56 degrees 15 minutes east a distance of 365 feet; thence running south 14 degrees 35 minutes east, a distance of 225 feet to an intersection with the northerly line of Salifornia street, in Duncans Addition to yalispell; thence running in an easterly direction along the northerly line of saad California Street to an intersection sighghe center line of 8th ave- nue east in said Duncans Addition to yalispell; thence runnine in a youtherly direction along th,e center line of said 8th avenue east to an intersection with the north line of the above describednit7 linihs thence runninz west along the north line of said City Limits to the place of beginning: Reference also being hereby made to a map or plat of said described tracis or parcels of land no, on file in the office of the City Clerk of alispell, Nyntana. ;y That said above described tracts and parcels of land ba included within the corporate limits of the City of Kalispell, yontana, and that it is the intention of the City�of ralispell, hOntana, and of the City Council thereof, to Pass a resolution to extend the corporate limits of the city of yalispell, Montana, in such a manner as to include all of the Lind within the above described b undaries, within the corporat- limits of the said City of 7alispell, nontana. That the City plerk of the city of Kalispell, be required to publish notice once a week for two successive weeks in thB Kalispell Journal) a newsp%per of genyr&! airnulation published nearest the land above described, which said notice shall declare to resident free - holders within the boundaries of the above described tract of land that the foregoing resolution has passed declaring the intention of the said city council to extend the boundaries of the said city of galihell in the manner aforesaid, and notifyine 4111 rF--sident freehold- ers of said above deWribed lands that thBy may express thier approvall or disapproval of said extensio of thR city limits, in writing, left with the city clerk at any time within twenty days aftar the !Rto o-P the f0st publication of said notice. 453 On motion cf Alderm-an Buckingham whicli was seconded by Alderman Dickey the resolutio.-, was adopted by t1he following vote: Alderman Buckin&han Bienz, Dickey aid Schumann, Aye. No noes, Resolution signed b-T t-rle Acting 7rayor. At this time Con Traves,,,i a-�peared before the City Council and req,jest--ed tliat his application for saloor., license heretofore denied by the Con-mitte on Saloon licenses, be granted to him by the Council. The Council after hearing the statement of Mr Travey7, and the Chief pon motion dul�y inade, and ca;-ripd of Poice, J. 'ff. Jo'-Wqson refused to allow �-ils 'f'or a I -i C e ns -Z� �-dve hi* two weeks in which to close out In i s businesst The City Attorney was instructed to communicate with the Great Northern Railway Co. In reference to the opening of a street aloyarg the south side of the Riffit-of-way from, Fourt'h, Aveniie East to 5th Avenue Test. S. L. 12Vallaor- was lior-ainated by� the .1vlayor as RegistrY A6-e.-.t -o' *C'a no�ai'natlon was confiri a -qed by t�qe vote of the following alderl-nen; Bienz, Buckinghar#,Dickey and Schumann. .n The following named persons x�. norainat-ed as Judges of Flection, -for the municipal election to be held April 5th 1909. First Ward. John Grabam T. A. Busey, Ernst Shaffroth. Second Ward. P. R. Neilson, j. D. Eaton, Geo. Hundly, Third Ward. Berry, B. 71. Hennings, C. P. Leslie, And on motion� of Alderman Binez$ wizich motion was seconded by Alderm&a Schumann,,the foregoing nomination aere confirmed by the following vote: Alderman, Bienz, Buck ing'haii, Dic'."'-ey, Schumann. , A RESOLUTIQN. �� �A RESOLUTION RNMRIP! THE INT72T ION OF THE CITV COUNCIT. OF THE CITY OP XAL I SPELL. MONTANA, TO EXTEID TEX BOUNDAMS OF TIM VITY OF KALISPELL TO INCLUDE A PART 0 ThAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PAR- CK-OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY 07 KALISPXLL I KN0111F�T� AS OUNCAIVS ADDIT195; TOGETHER WITH CERTAIN OTHER PLATTED TRACTS AND PARCELS DF LAND ADJOINIDa SAID DUNCANS ADDITION ON THE WEST AND CON- TIGUOUS TO TEX CITY 07 KALISPRIL; AND REQUIRING TEE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SAID 17TENTION ON TEE PART OF TEE SAID CITY COUNCIL. BE IT RNSOIVED BY TB7 CITY COTTITICII OF TEE CITY OF KATISPE10 That it is to the best interests of theinhabitants of the City of Kalispell,Rlontana, and to the inhabitants of a part of what is commonly known as Duncans Addition to Kalispell.Hontana, and the inhabitants of certain other tracts and parcels of land adjoining said Dancans Addition and all being contiguous to thhe city of Kalispell,Montana, all of which is more partieNlarly dfe scribedand bounded as follaws, to -wit; Beginning at a point where the center line of Third Avehus East in the City of Kalispell Int6rsects the North line of the present city limits; thehce running North 140 35t West, being on a line which is a entinuation of the center line of said Third Avenue East a distance of 760 feet; thence running North twenty one degrees and fifty five ninutes east, a distance of 405 feet, thence running South 56 degrees 15 minutes east a distance of 365 feet; thence running south 14 deFrees 35 minutes east, a distance of 225 feet to an intersection with the northerly line of California Street, in Duncans Addition to Kalispell; tience r2n- ning in an easterly direction along the nortb,erly line of said C alifornia Street to an i0ersection with the center line of Eighth Avenue East in said Duncans Addition to Kalispell; thence, running in a southerly hirection along the center line of said Eighth Avenue East to an intersection with the north line of the above described city limits; thence rnnning west along the north line of said City Limits to the place of beginning. Reference also being hereby made to a map or plat of daid described tracts or parcels of land: now on file' in the office of the City Clerk of Xalispell,Montana, That said above described tracts and parcels of land be included within the corporate limits of the City of KalispiLl,, Montana, and that it is the intention of the City ofKalispell, Montana, and of the City Councial thereof, to pass a resolution to extend the corporate limits of the City of Kalispell,Montana, in such a manner as toinclude all of the land within the above de- scribed boundaries, within the corporate limits of the said Ci I ty of Kalispell,Montana. That thp City Clerk of thB City of Kalispell, be required to publish notice once a week for two successive w9elks �n tie Kalisrell QuPnal, a newspaper of general circ-,71ation plzblis�hed nearest thpland above described, whic4 sot�,! -_r_vot1,cq 31,10.1 declare t- resident freeholders within the boundaries of t,iLe above des- cribed tract of land that tie fo-sZoME -esolutlon has passed declaeing the intention of the Said CitY Council to' extend the boundaries of tie said CV7 of KaiisDsll, V the, manner acroresaid, aw notifying all resident freeholders of saiq above described lands that"the7 may express their approval or disapproval of said extension of the cit- linits, in writing, left with the CiQv- Clerk at any time Othin twenty da7s after the date of the first publiation of said notice. Attest: Passed and approved this Ist dog of March, 1909/ A. Kendall't i,51-f �77 - (T �f i � k B� j4es