Resolution 216 - Support of Carnegie Library311 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIVING TOE SUK OF FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLIARS ANNYALIY TO THE SUPPORT W 1AINTAINANCE OF TER CARNEGIE LIBRARY, UPOU TEE DQUATIGN OP THE SUM OF FIVE THOUSAND DOLIARS BY ANDREW CARNEGIE TO PAY FOR TER COMPLHTION OP THH SAME. WARRAS Andrew Carnegie has agreed to contribute the sum of Five Thousand Dollars to the City of Kalispell to pay for the cupletion of the Library BuIlding known as the Carpegie li- brary, providing the City of Kalispell will agree to provde the sum of fifteen hundred dollars annually for its support and maintenance. BE IT RESOLVED RT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPAI: That the sum, of fifteen hundred dollars be appropriated annually out of any moneys in tho City Treasury of the City of Kalispell not otherwise'appropriat6d, for thA purpose of maintain- ing the CarnQle libmary Wilding and the library tbDrein cont4ned, on condition that the,sum of five thousand dollars is donated by Andrew CarneEie far tho completion of said Libnary Bulldog, Passed and approved thds lst day of February, 1909// Attest: H. A. Kendall WfIferk. B. Jones Acting yor 4 4 The following resol-�_ition, -uas thereupon read: A RESOTYUTION APPROPRIATUTP-, T'.-77, SIUM OF PITf?,,FIT, HMTi)RFD DOLLARS KIMMAILLY TO TIfg SUPPORT A�TD MAINTAINAIT;0N O_F M�-r '17 CAR:T IF, LIBRARY, UPOIT IAG THE DOITIATION' OF 'T"q__W, 0_'T RIVE T-HOUSAI'M _WTjTAR.1 BY A-,'-TDPVV CARNAGIE, TO 'PAY FOR T7-P, COWLETIO'Ni OP SAVIR. WWREAS Andrew C6�rnagie a. d t o c o n t r i b -,. i. t e t- 'he s ur,-4 o f I'll Five thousand dollars to the, (,,it-kr of Kaiispell to pay for thie completim of the libray�,r Build-Ingg kno-�T-r, as t�le Car-ril_--&�:;-i?-� Librar-vl (lity of Kalispell vill agree to provide the s�zm of fiftpen hundred tioliars annuaily for its sup -Port and -_rziaintainance, ]3e it Resolved b-v t-qe City roiinoil of the City of yalispell; That the sum of fifteen 'hundred dollars bp arpropriated ann- ually out of any mone�Ts in the City xf Treasury of the City of not oth-l-rwise appropriated, for t� purpose ne P, I of maintaine, the Carnagie Librar-,�, Building and 41"ne Tibrar-,,, therein contained, on condition th��t the sum of fife thousand dolla rs is doniat��d by Andrew Carnagie for -1--?ie completion of said Iibrary Bu i I d ir,,F. 418 There being no furtlaer business to con�e before t.he meeting the counoil adJourned. Rqad and aT)proved this 1st day of jrarch 1909. Ma7 Attest: ka f�� City clerk,."