Resolution 229 - Water Mains - 4th Ave EA RESOLUT-1 (7-',T ORDE-ING '1'�M X1'1r,-T7-T'T,9 ION' Q? V-F, VIAT�-2 PIAINS Op Tip, KALISPE'LL Vb%TN71 AIM.- 73LECTRIC M'%�YAM'. BF. IT: M-,AITT,-ED BY T-FIFF" CITY COT"�TCjt OF V-7, CTTV OJT K-�`�LISYELL: M'hat the Xalis-,ljell 7ater & Electric Conpc-tny be req-t-iired, and is hereby raq',zired, in accordance with the provisions of Ord inemce no . 21 he ��e to fore passed to extend its wat�-r i�7-ains as follows: BeginniyL at the rresent water main at t'he intersection of FourV'i Avenue Fast and "lash ing ton Street and r�nning thence 'North alone the West side of sztid Pourth Averme Rast to Califurnia Street to Fifth Avenue Rast, and r) maing thence, South along the West side of said Fifth Avenue Past to WashLnSton Street, and tnere�-connect- ing wit'n the ,riater P�iain heretofore laid. V-1 a t (:'� r Degiiining at the presett miat-, at the i,,tprsection of Third Avenue 'Vest and Nlinth Street and running thance South along the viest side of. said Third Avenue West to Keven-t'-a Strept - a dis- 4� tance of two blocks. ,knd r ,erraission is hereby given the Kalispell IvIlater and Corlpamv -1U-0 Ilse wooden pipe 'mrapped -�,rit`h wire and of the same cons 11-r,ict. ion, etc. as;-, here"Eofore used in the extension of mains i'll t%e City of Kalispell, Be it '-�'urther resolved that the Cit-yr Clerk be directed to I seeve a copy of this resolution together with an order reqiiiring t I U '"S �he e X'-ention of Sdid mains as above set forth upon the Kai I pell Water and: Electric Co-mi-pany. I Attest: Passed and approved this 3rd day of 11-JT,,'-Ay, 19 09. H. A. Kendall, 0 ity Clerk. B. 'Jo'nIes', � I Mayor. I�Ullll on petition of property owners the follo-vitng- resolittion was read: lot i A MOLUT ION ORDETRUNTG' THE UTANSIal OF THE WATER hAINS OP TITHY, KALISPUL WATER A'--,",D 7,,Tl�C77-RIC, COIPIANY� BE IT VESUVID BY THE CIT7 COMM 07 VE CITY OF RAVISPALL. That the Kai ispall Wator and Mect-io Company be re- quired, and in hereby reqnked, in accordance with the provisions of oidLnance No.21 heretofore passed to extend its mains as f ollows: - T U 3eg inn inv a' the -or-- se'nt :�-at P, rrta in at t1n.,- int - r s ecti on of Fourth Avenue Fast and Tas,iington Street and m nning 'hence North al o�nE -14-1 he 7loes't, s ide of sa id- -Foi,,rth Ave Ym e Rast I; o Cal if orn ia Street, and -.rvnning thence Fast alonF. t'he Soi,,th side of California Street to Fifth Avewie East, and -r�nning thence Sotith alo-mc, the West si e of said Pifth Avenue iast to I-Ias�iin-ton Street, and the re. c onnect ine, wi th the -�-iat E;,� r ma in heretof ore laid Beginninp at tlm� -r�,resent ,-:atpr nain at th- inters,_-Ction of Third Avenue West an(! 7--Tint'h Street and running thence Sotth, alonc Vh-i� west sifie of said Third Avenue West to Rleventh Street., 7 a distance of ,,vo blocks. And - .1, 8-n-a is s 'Lon 19 '2-ie by g i ven the Kal i sp e.11-71at - r and Electric Company to use woqd en pipe w rapped with wire and of the same const-i.i.ction, P-to. as heretofore used in the�--xtension of mains in the city of Kalispell. I Ir Be it, fi-zrther resolvO.d that the Clerk be dire.cted l'o s. erve ion toL,-,ethar with an a, ele r re q,:-, iring the extension of said �uains as above. set fort--q u-r)o-.i tqe Kali -pell Water and SIec,"i,ric Con.,�ar.Y. Or. motion ofAAIderman -T3,,zcking.ha-,-ii, seconded b�r Alder-111an Shaffroth tL'qe same was adopted by the folloaing vote: Alde. rl�iian I Buck ing-hail Bien7,, Child Chester HanCl Ave; No N 4.0 es. It was moved by AMPrman Buckingham and seconded bir Alde.— man Bienz trv�t side,�,ialks o--n Pot;rth Avenue, Fast be ordered as f cllows; - It is hereby ardered b�r the Citv Council of the (,ity, of KalispEll taat �alks be construc"L�,ed on both sides of 'Toiirth Aventie East between WashinSton Street an-ci California Stret, the cost of said 4alks to be'paid by the o-,,�ners of tTL- ab-�ztting property. It is -,further o rdere-d that the City Clerk be req�zired to serve a copy of the fore.EoinE order upon the ownelrs and agents of owners of propert-,J* along s�d d 7,oiirth Avenne -East between said Wasln--Lngton aj-4 California Streets, notifying. theu-n to construct said walks within thirty d;V-s after the date �r -reof and in Case of the propertv o;jners failing It"o construct said �,ralks to -he, sx1e shall ho,-� r e o f be cons4,ructed by the Cit-,;, of Kalispell and the (.-;ost c' U qarged to th-- ,t—uttinr�7 propertir. Said i-�iotion was carr-Led unz-3.ninioizsly.