Yellow - NE 1/4 SW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4DEED 'is— booK 479 rAcEG62 STATE OF MONTANA, . J County of ..... . Filed for record this do of at.—O'clock—M. and R—rded in Book....—ef Deeds -- Page —of the Records of County State of Montana. Clerk and Recorder This Indenture, Afad- ih.--!!�-h ----day.January - A. D. one thousand nine hundred and. si: six BETIVEEM.-1019-5 wife of `liLispeL1 '-T1— ieE , Wfana ...portof the FIRST PART �zw . ..... ......... . . ---i corporation !q -----the part of the SECOND PART: IVITNESSETH, that the said parIA". of the FIRSfPAT. for and in consideration of the non q1_2rL q. D 0 1 ljll.1 n X14Dtllrj M.I. lawful Massey of the United Starts of America to—th%R---in hand paid by said part.l.:.. of the SECOND PART, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do..—.— by that prornis grant, b.- sell. convey, warrant and confirm unto the said partY— of the SECOND PART, and to .pfa, -11! s -heirs and asuigm forever, the hereinafter described real estate situated in the city or (own of kzlisnssll cc 1. Flathead at - -oji—laxid 'Tvf311nf' 2 How." A tract in the Northeast Quarter of the Sou west Ouarter rind ILIke N.MLhjgpjj_Muar�tp T . _p± of S tiajL20- To!MshjM_ZLjjU-%h_&-% A -n a rxi-cix 1, iay.. Am s rri hLe jL a s-.Ln- I 1p r5, e'�i 1iin -it he Center ofjqcitim RalMe 2 1' Blest-t 'torth S. 41 West a dj&tancq.oF-67L-._-,5'�'fjjL once . -?.:noint of beginning; thence Ero-m-the true noint of beginning South 33*081 East a distance of-1520.02 feet;- thence- North -891�41' * -West a distance of 239.65 feet; thjncss North W080 West a distance of 152-1.02 feet, thence South 89 411 East a distance of239.65 fact to the noint of beginning containing 6.98 Acres nore 'or less. j Correction Deed __ no stamps necessary ;; i . .......... W-. DEED ox For TOGETHER with eO sad at ter the he,e!ube2m dereibed premieres lop+ether with all tenemen� haelto t. and appariemtges Iherefe bcloe�n[ or N eny a ¢ppartalNng end the reverrion end amlWer and nmdaden, ante, lssueca�,, d Prent the ti d also oI the estate, right, title, Int rest , ht of dower and right .1 homralead, Peaseslon7 atntpt tad demand w teo—r, u well in Inw m In eveRy, of the said �t the FIIiSi• PAST, of, N er to thau}d vsla, rA arery pert and puce] therm! with the apper- iemneer theMe Letanging, TO FFAVE AND TO FIOLD, ¢II and aN�ialar the abe- ..ito..d ¢a. d—ibed prem- Iw m!o the said pvS=_ of the SECOND FART, end to i t S b.l. and ..I— fare — And the said puLLCS of the FIM PART a rh -d r beta, d hexby g mnt that the will tarerer AW RRANT` ¢ad DEFEND an rig�f, ODe and Inlexest In and W the eatd prem4n and the ,pdet i and peoeeable parsesdan thereof, unto the avid part " of the SECOND PART i Otheta and =!gm, ¢galmt vU acts and deeds et the geld ya•* ies of the FIIL4g PART, and an and every peen and Derram whoarw- I e,v hwfulll elaim(n[ cs b attlm the ewer IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the raid•`par(_iE-S-- of d iFIRST PART hay-e—.___ here- ' onto it._ their '_hands _ and sea1S �.ihe day -and year linF her n"""a Figned, Sealed and Delivered in the presence o1 •- \--z• !,/te- j%u-=:�.__.__.___.-- r„ 1;cz G'!t1/'-.J-'i._6F L....... _.(SEAL) STATE OF MONTANA. Can ty s - On this_—CLr� ..__»...day af__January _ Lin the year nineteen hundred and allotary Public `Qf• the Stale o/Montana, personalty appeared —James_ ,,. Edmiston and �Phillisdnistall p. • know6 to rue—' E e: - • ", I�F proved fo me art oath •be she' son_ whose names ,Fcwbixribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me ,that _q�e�_ executed the name. - -_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have rnereunto at my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. Nafary Public jar the Sfate of Monlana. Residing of Kalispell, Montana MyCommiuione:piru.�d _ 19.(a-L STATE OF M014TANA County Of Flathead 1 an Filed for record at the request of 771rat¢- oze, /yreyl�yc I r •ipag'D I this /,S 7 1 day of��_1Bjyj�_at �%: e/ otclock�E1 arid-rEcore fii— Vol. qq y Fage ,6 _Records aaof Flathead Couunty, State of Montana. Fee $ ✓ ` - s%1r,.�d f r7/7�ie.ut_ Flathead County, Clerk' Recorder Hy � RETURNDepu {. TO r^/yJQs., /- „(L �s MA t ,[1 rr r•d ( e [ f t.' .f:-_ t +i t DEEDS 479 i`<t STATE OF MONTANA, _rn Bm, 479 ro-256 County ol-...____�__.—..— Filed for record this.. day a(— ... ._.....__»_.._..—/9 .— at_ --- >o elock..._...M. and Recorded in Oook_—of Deeds on Page_.�or the Records of County State of Montana...__._..._._...._.._--_, Clerk and Recorder Dy—_.:_...._ .. ..S- AraMT•aern- a—roeN_raora L This Indenture, Made the_ ............._?...- --day of.NC.c.et>t:/-E _..»_.. A. D. one thousand nine hundred QETIVEEN._.40M .......... of the FIRST PART of tjalill_a,MuniciQal pariX—. of the SECOND PART; WITNESSETH, that the said part.Y..._ of the FIRST PART, for and in consideration of the sum o%__One _Oallar and. other valuable consiJonukczgltars 14WIUI money of the United States of America to_.._them..._...._in hand paid by said parties. of the SECOND PART, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; do...—...._ by these pracnh grant, bargain, sell, convey. warrant and confirm unto the said part......_ of the SECOND PART, and to its heirs and assigns forever, the hereinafter described real estate situated in the dip or town of - Ralis Le 1,-,--„ ,_ County o%..: F�gtbead _. Montana, to•Wit:_A tract oF..land lying in tha .Northeast. Quarter_of tho Southwest uarter and the Northwest uarter of the Southwest uarter __...__......_....Q....___..._______.__..._._----_�_....._.__.._—...._.._......._..._....._Q._....._ point of beginning; thence from the true point of beginning South 33`08' East a distance of 1520.02 feet; thence North 89a41 West a distance of 239.65 feet; thence ;forth 33a08' West a distance of 1520.02 feet; thence South 89a41' East a distance of 239.65 feet to the point of beginning containing 6.98 Acres more or less. DEEDS 479 .R we with dovesS d right of homestead, posttsslon, claim and Cemaad waataoarer, as —11 In law a9 m equity, or Iho said ,a 1B5 t the FIRST PART, of, in ar to the said 'tts, nM ernry rt and parcel thereof. with the appur- t nanees thereto belonging, TO 11WE .WD TO 1101, , .11 and singutar the above mentioned awl desen-1 d plem- Iscr unto the said part—y_ of tb. SECOND PART, awl t it1 s�Irs and assigns tores er. And the said 5• of the FIRST PART end Lheir heirs, do fiereby eoronant that they wlll to-- l ARRANT and ➢EFEN➢ atl right, Va. and interest in and %the said Premises and the viat and P—bie Possession thereofyasulnt. the avid porty f the SECOND PART 3.tS-Mfrs and osalgas, against all lawfaWllydelaltningtoi to lelaim the 1=f the FIRST PART, and all sad eemy person and Penons whomso- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the • ' part.ies-___ of the FIRST PART ha.�re_....._ here- unto sel.__Ll!£3f.__»hand..S..« artd seals.. __.the do and year first her ' be, written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered hl the presence o1 \--....« •�,�L, _�.�' tsar ....._.....:..: _--.._ISEnL) w. `R V'M STATE OF MONTANA, - On this....__._-. + in the Saar ninefeen hundred and sixty_-fiv,•e ---- --- —before meallotaryPublic -, y :far proved fame on oath o1..._..._.. .........._....._.._ _.____........ ..._.._.») ` OZ �otlfe the whose name.8._aseubwibed la the within instrament and acknowledged to me ..Y ihat�.:!..theY......... asccuted the same. IN IVJTNESS WHEREOF, (have hereunto set my ]rand and afrxed my Notarial a p Seal the day and year Jinl above written. ................ ................ ` Notary Public for the Stale of Montana. Residing at__Yi ixW..S_.......__......._._....b(y Comml„'ssian expires._.._.....»g:. �..... 196a... DEEDS 479 l� 0 Y cmY N O G gZc U_ p J `ems m 3 Z 1t N J � '. II 2 111 �I 1 T 6 60 }' S j I� a II .I m , ,j _ II INDE%ED Tco , COPIED I CDAIPARED_-- I lacao r STATE OF MONTANA lea J County Of Flathead 1 p Filed for record at the request of �Olzu" 7 this /7 M day of • 19 _at y; a9 oblock�M and recorded in Vol. V Page 2SG Records of Flathead County, State of Montana. .iFee $ •G� � FI¢t/read County!1CSerk'& Recorder RECEPTION NO /0 Bya'-i •.�..,,. Deputy RETURN TO Ln S ro ro 3 N F-� (n --I(A -M C O m 9 6... rt 3 n �• .. ;•* m Op m fl- c o1 ao — o to fD N � 6' fD 3 N iU CLV �y O n N O O fD � V N � 3 � N O y 0 CL o ,+m ima e-r Q ro o ro o a -< o O O c � N a o � v ro Ln - N aq v' ro Q' n CA '+ g p. c O m O rt m 0 S O C ro O CQ D O n v � o v, 0 rD crD ro LO N S W n 0) Ln N Q O (DD fV :• � D v ro v -P. Q N O N Lo 00 O N < V