Resolution - SID 50rll�l 33.4 A. MT OiT'", i 0INT TO 11191-1111T -11, T 17' , 01T Iy ,T-p ,,Zp r , �_ p _E� DP�r-,,-'.,IICT I -TO. 50. BE T T (P J)A ITTED BY T.Tf-�' 0 177 0GUNC711 f�-�DKTJT-&,' C ITY OF KAL !SP -145,,L: - That it is the i-nt-Intion of s�a!,d City Cotincil to create a new Special L-i�proverie-nt District to be k1lown as Special L�,- provef,,-ient District Yo. 50, for the p-,ir-pose of constructing cez--,ient side-�-;alks'on each side of t.he Ave,, -me the"ein, t-rie of vvhlch� said Special Improven-ent District are to be as folloas, i t Beginlair.E- z�t the South boundary llne of the Great Northern Ra il , watr Coi-�,,panyl s righi-o-f-way where the samf�,, init-ersec`�-.s 4- ane cp.nter 1-ino, of the alley betvroert :P�4ftri Avenues R;-:ist, and extending, from thenc�� Soutu'h alonE the center of said alley to the cent-er of Sixtll Street, west along the center line Of Sixth Stre---t to the point w7here the same -Intersects t)h.e. ce-nter line of the alleY between L hird and Fourt3h, Avenues East; 1"Ilence ]-lorth along the center I ine (f said al ley to the Switla bonmcl'ar-lv line of the Great T-Torth--�rn Railwiy Cols thence Fast along said Soth line of to the -,place of be6i-nnimr. Said Special District Ile.-ein ab'-')ve described to be 4"mproved as follous: - B-- construct- ing cenent s idewalks six feet in .,,iidtIh, an(I' crazsi.7-AI;T-s ozi gai(I Avenue within t�ie above descr-ibed Ii-mits according to thp snecificat "Lons for oeme.,it side- walks as set forth in Sectio-n 2 of Article II of Chanter XII of the Revised Ordinances of 1899, as amemded by Ordinance ITo. 197, passed andt approved Jizly 20, 1908. The approxii-utte cost of said Lmprove-ments i's the Sul!-! of $5000.00 and the s�.aqe sh-all be paid by ST "ecial asseqsr,,.:enIIs upon all of the assessable property within said Special 'Improvement District exclusive of streall's, alleys an�u public places, andl each -piece or p T '- T arcel of :U�,ncl within said District shall pay that propor-tion of cost of said impro-veme.r.ts as the area thereof bears to the area of the �-ntire district excliisvie oIP streets, alleys and public pi,--ces. , d 4 Be it -101�rt-hpr resole ved that, notice be pi.xbl ishp M 4he Kal'ispiell journal ffor at last one, issize for t-he full til-rie reqi,�irefl by law therefor, wa d Kalispell Joii.rnal beiinig ca nr�wspaper Of Eenerd c i cu 1 a 11 -1 i on a i s d C J 4 Y of Kal-sl,,ell,,5?�.oi,�+�z.�Li-�a, givii,,g rtice of t"ne Ig 4 inte-int i o-n on thpria-vt o' Cit�,r Council to �makp, 'Saiel 411rprovel�j.eylts -L � - - I , nctlfYi?'E all G-Whc-rs 0 r e-E-9r.ts of t1h-e -vylt-hi4n said Specia�l ImproveyiIen,t District -tTo . 50, to be affected or berlefitted t1hereby, that said Citl"v Coi,tncil o"(' I. -he, Cit,,?, of Kal-f-spe-11 -aill M-eet o n t he 25th d4-- of Ii'A,- 1-909, at 8 o'clock P.J�'. in the Council Chw-�Ibers at the Clity Hill, to cca-isider any objec-ticns to the f inz,-1 e stabld.-h.ment W�7 said Spec ial !'-prove-fnent Dist rict , vhich sai object"Lons must be written and filed with the Citv Clerk on or befor SzLd ("ate. it is flirt-,V.-er Q- dered by the City Co,,,mc, that all assessments IFvied nE,,:ainst sa.,41 properti, within said Spec Ial Im- P r o v P �i-, P, -,�, t D J. s i c -t N o . 5 0 s h� I I b e 1, a i d i n. e ig 3a 41* e c i i.,Ia I i n s t , -t I e n t s or nt s Mhe f ir st o f 11-I'r-I ich shall lie I.-,s, id in the -,,ear 19 09 , and all deferredd Payn4ents to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annually. Attest: Passed and approved this dyx of 1909. H. A. Kendall— r-Tc Clerk. B. Jonas I "ilayor.