Resolution - SID 39A RESOLMION TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL IMI-PROV711MVE DISTPRICT NO, 39. BE IT IR71VOLVED BY THE CITY COT277CIL OF T'ITM CITY 01-F -E-A-GISPELL: That ilk" is the intent -ion of said Cit.,r Comcil to create a new Special Improvement District to be known as S-pecial Improvement Dism. trict No.39, for the purpose of consti-acting cement sidewalks on each side of the street therein, the boundaries of which said Spec- ial Improvement District are -I.-o 'be as follows� -Uo-',vAtit: Cornencing at the intersection of the South boundary line of the Great Northern Railvay righll--of-way with the cen.-It-ler of the Alley in Block 36 of the origin -a! toyn,.q- ite, a-49' Kal ispell, thence South along, the cenj'teAr line of said Alley to its intersection with the South. line of Lot 23 in '-Block 45, thence Vest along said South line of said T"ot 23 and West to the center of M�An Street, thence Solzth in the center of 11ain Street 25 fe�-t ) thence West alonr� the South 1� ."-ne o.-LF' Lot 3 in 31-lock 40' to the cen-.t--ler of the Alley in said Block 36', thence 11rorth throich t7he c-rzt-er of said Alley to its interseo- tion wifn the So-uth line of the Grez).t Fa.-ilway right-of-way, 1-1hence FAst alonr-, said Sojth line of said riclh;4--of-way to the pl�tce 293 Said Special Improvement District herein -above described to be improved as follows: By constructing cement sidewalks on both sides of Rain Street within the above described limits, according to the specifications for cement sidewalks as set forth in Section 21 of Articie II of Chapter XII of the Revised ordinances of 1899, as anended by Ordinance No.197, passed and approved July 20th, 1908. The approximate cost of said inprovements is the sum of $1600.00, and the sane shall be paid by special assessments upon all the asses- sable property within said Special Improvement District, exclusive of streets, alleys and public places, and each piece or.parcel of land within said district shall pay that proportion of cost of s"id 0—n- proyen;nts as the area thereof bears to the area of the entire dis- trict, exclusive of streets, alleys ax-d pu1blic places. BE IT FURTHER RRSOLVED that notice be published in the Kalispell Journal for at least one issue for the fall time required by law therefor, said Kalispell Journal beinE a newspaper of Ce n eral circua_ lation in said City of Kalispell, Montana, giving notice of�the in- tention on the part of said City Council to nake said inVrovemsnts� notifying all owners or agents of the property within said Special Inprove.ment "District No.39 to be affected or benef itted thereby, that said City Council of the City of Kalispell: will meet on the 7th day of October, 1908 , at 8 o'clock -P.M. in the Council Q"mbers in the City Fall, Kalispell,Montan", to consider any objections to the final establishmeat of swid Special Inprovenent of said Special Improve- ment District, which said objections must be written and filed with the City CleAc on or before said d"te� It is further ardered by the City Council, that all assessments le7ied agalast said property within said Special Improvement District No. 391 shall be p"id in eight equal installments or payments, the first of which shall be paid in the year 1909, and all deferred ff payments to bear interest at the rate of Q! per annum, p"yable on- nually. Passed and approved this 30th day of September, 1908. H.Aw Kendall) City Clerk. Janes Harbert, why0r.