Resolution 236 - Annexation - Blocks 121 & 122, Addn 4A RESOLUT !017 DHCLAR ING T11-12 11-7RMU 01T OF T 1NI C ITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF KALISPRL, MONTAI,'At TO EXTE-17D TIP, BOMT.PjARIES OF TIM CITY OFK _AT T CEL. OF _JXD ,jSPF,,,, TO I`�' T,UDH THAT CERTAIN PLA TTED TRACT OR PAR ,C_ CONTIGUTOUS TO THPi, CITY 071? KALISPELL K17,0WIT AS BLOCKS 221 - 922 ATM 224 OF VIDW-AJjISP)�11 TO71:1MIrE C01MIT'All'YS ADDITION NO. 4 TO THF, CITY OF KALISPELL AIM REQUIRIG TTiF, CITY ClERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SAID I1jTB77T1 0177 ON 'VTM, PART 07, TIT, CITY (70UNCIL. BE IT RES-OLVED 13Y TTIF, CITY COUITCIL OF T13-Y, CITY OF KA-USPELL: T'hat it is to, the best irterest of the inhabitants of tb_e City of Kalispell,11ontarAi, and the inhabit*ant's of t-Juat certain platted tract or parcel of land knowr as Block 221 - 222 and 224 of t1le KalisTjell Towi,.s'L-'-.e Co's Addition 171o. 4 to the� Citv of K1- ispell, whicn described Blocks are contiguous to the City Limits of the Cit, of Kalispell,IJonta-na' tl-A�t said Blocks be withlin the limits of the City of and that it d the intention of the Cit.�, Council of the Citv of Kalispell,Monta-na fLhe City of Xa- ,#o pass a reS0JUtjr0r to extend the boundaries of 4 j, ispell in such a mrAnner as to inollide said Blocks 221 - 2122 and 224 of the Xal4sp�ell Townsite Co's Addition No 4� the cor- Po rate. I Im its o f the C it-ir of Kali spell 11,zor -Wana. That t'he City Council of the Cit-,v of Kalispel I be required to publish a notice once a week for t-,,jo successive weeks in the Kalispell Bee, a mwspaper o-f general eirea lation published near- est to said Blocks 221 - 222 and 224 of the, XaLJ spell Townsite Comf_�anyls Add iti or. 'T�To. 4 to the Citir ofe Xalispl 1; that the fore- goine resolution has passed deXlaring the intention Of said City CoiAncil to extend said boundaries of said Cit-v of Kalispel 1 in the manner aforesaid and notifying all reside�it free hold ers wifA the 1-LlOits of said above. iaentldned tract's or parcels of land t�at they nay express ti-eir approval or disapproval of said es- tensj�j of said. Cit-,v Liit,�its JLr. writing left with the Cit,�'! Clerk at any time with -in, twenty dalrs after the publicatlion of s�d d notice. Attest: Passed and approved thin 10th dw, of Ma.y, 1909/ 11. A. KendpJ. I KT_7rClerk. B. Jone s Ma,vor. I M Uction 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty dyls after is passage and approval, provided the sAdd W. H. Griffin, or his assigns, shall within said tii-&-, file with th, Clerk of the City, in writing, and unconditional acceptance of the provisions A; reof, and provided frrther that within said time no p0ition shall, have been filed by five per cent or more of the residents of said City requiring this ordinance to be re- ferrred to a vote of the people of said City. P,-,,-assed and approved thAs 10th W of May, 1909. B - Jones Mayor. Attest: H. A. Kendall 7 - U117 Clerk. State of Hont4na, ) County of 7lathead, )ss. City of Kalispell .) 1, H. A. Kendall, City,Clerk of the Cit" of Kalis- pell, Wntana, do hereby certify that on the day of 19C9 I caused the fa -ego ng Ordinance to be posteVas reqnFeVin Ordinance No. 174 and that s�id Ordinance reruatrBd poisted for a period of five days, and that there haNe been no changes or alter- ations made the"ein since the passage and approval thoreof by the said City Council, norin the recording thereof. Recorded be-ein anj this certificate made this damy of- 1909. 14 A. Kenda ) Ity C erk. J77, The, f o Ireg o i-ag rk� so 1,,-,i t.i on -w as trlen re ad; W A RFSOLI " TH ON DECLAR 17M, '7'P_re IT7�'T,7TrJ,_-_' 1037 017' t12qi, ITY r, 01M."ir, _11, OF 0 -1, -IR DOU" .A__R177 0"i' TT--"� 01-7 Y,-.)'-T, ,-_�WTTAT, �� TO :�MT ND 7110 C 1"V T _11, E "CHAT 'CERMADIT PTA ITZ IRACT OR 'PARCIEL 0:17 X ��, Tv� -PRIi CT UD Tm "D 'T J, TO 1-1. 07 7,A' D C.0`," IGTTOTTr, '�-Q (,'T`V 0"' A L T "' P R L T., 'K 14- 0 MI AS BLOCRS 221 - .,T T) L 222 A.71�'D P-24 07" TL_,P� XAj, 1 XT1 T 01J,17 T TTER C 01UP ANY' S ADD ITI I MIN' '70, 4 TO '11, R-�ff,)TT IR T�Wl T ­jq , ,V - UPM SH j , I" CITv lf=�,PA '�1`0 P 1 T T, C 1 "7 0"? Y, �t T, 1 ":T, TIT, 1 11 70 M "T OF ',7ATD 17-`_-K,71TM3 0-1 7TD�L PART 0,11, TH-W C 1 77 C 0 7 R? T" RRf7>071'jVTT) BY TTHP-, 1Cf)T,J.F,rC!L OP 7�,!Y CITV 07, KAL191-PROLL: T-hat it is to the b,,�,,st interest o f tlne inhab it.i�.nts ot" n 1 5 OA ba C, e r +1 F�, in Of Kalispell, Hantana, �mvl "qe iri'na� it�l + t platted tract or -r.arcel of Lin(14 as Block 221 - 21-22 an1d 224 of th.e M%Ifspell Townsill,-e Co's Addition 77o. 4 -:o the City of Kal- C jr,_ iF i, () t r -,f 4 1�_. j4- 8 le CJ, y L p e 1 `n h, d P, s c, r "r) e d M r; r, k s a r e c) f t In e i v o �1' Ka I i s -rk el I ) 1,lo n' ana; tha t s a id bl o c ks, be included ,j it in t, lin4tS op +r t at L o j' K �a i p el 10 M o n t, a a , a T', d t a it th�� L­ter:ition of th.a C it�, C' w, i noi I o f t- he C' 41 t y 0 'L Ka I Li s p e, I I 1 1`,10 �A. axi a to pass em,",-nd of t1ie Cltv of Kal- ispell ir s,Ucl�. a x_u��rmer as to include said T31ocks 92211 222 and 224 of the Kalisj-,ell Townsite Co's Add ition No, 4 wit"n the cor-pora-11-e 1 im i t S 0 f V1 0,� y 0 f K F-11" r, -p e 11 o nt ana V.1a t C' i f -, 4L I o f t h t. f 14, a 1 is p el I b -, r e i r P, d t10 vzbl is'!7_ �,t iiol,- JLQe rjrcp ,a- week for two sulccess ive vveeks in the K47,1 4. sp ell "Bee a r_,evys-rja-,,1,e r of g P, ne ral c ircul,��Lt ion pu bI i she d -Iie are s t to said Blocks 221 - 222, ��rjd 224 of' itl-na, Xal]LspellTownsite Co's ACditlion 1"To. 4 tc the of" Kal`,Lspell; that foregoing re- ;aj(j f,14ty Co-jyjr o I t i o P. -_,a a s Tiassed deblarij-.,ig �the in,"Itent "Lon of il 4 X+,p L t -0 t n the mapmer L � j �L .d the b o -i ri d F, r i e s o f �, �-,]L 61 �r' - -v o ' Ka I � s � 11 i aforesaid wAll notjfyi�-�p: F.11 resident free 'holders o-E, said above men,11,1102-led t.,acts or parcels of !&P.d that m4:, express Vh�J,X, anproval or 4 isappro7al of �-,aid ext,-ns.iom of said Cit- lifnits in writing left tit'h. thF,, Cit.-,' CIL-rk at arri, time, w1thin tvie-11ty days after the pi-Ablications of FE�id ��ot ice It -.vas mioved b�;, Alder.man Deinz anA by Aldlli�,,man Buckingham that said resolution be passed. Said notIcKwas carried b7 the followine vote: Buckinehan, Rainz, Child, Chester, Hand Shaffrothq A7e. No Noes. At this time the Council on motion made nn6 duly carried adjourned to meet May 190 1909 at 8 o'clock P.M. Read and approved this 7th day of June, 1909.