Resolution - Sewer District 4 AssessmentAq A RNSOLUTION A M, OLUTION levyir�g an assessment upor. the pro,-oertv i1r, Blocks 1) 20 and 21 and certain ol!-Iher property in Mal i sr, ell, VTontz�,a, within Sewer Disit-r-Ji-ct No.4, for the purpose of defr"ying the cost of building a sewer adjacent to the property hereinafter described. M=AS the City Council of 'U',lie City of Kal isl )ell has hereto- fore passed a rezolut*ion by the terms of which it has caused a sew- er to be constructed through the alley in Blocks 1$20 and 21, and from thence in a southerly direction across the right, of -way of t-he Great No --there FZailway Compvy, and from thence in a southerV, direction Yid connecting with the sewer here-tofore laid in. the al- ley in Blook 40 of the City of Kalispellsliontana, the cost of Con- strcacti onof which said sewer has been the sm of TIMMVE HLMRTD SIXTY ($12,60.00) Dollars: BE IT T.H77MOM, RFSOLVA), that a levy be racUe against the prop- erty as heretofore desoriDed in the following w-ounts and owed by the following naned persons, to -wit: IN SEWER DISTRICT NO. BLOCK 1. Property Amount 022.50 Lot 2 22-50 Lot 3 22-50 Lot 4 22.50 Lot, 5 22.50 Lot 6 22.50 Lot 7 .22.50 Lot 8 22.50 Lot 9 22.50 Owner H. F. Prentiss it n it Y. Calbick Missoula llerc.co. it H. C. Davis C. S. Jensen W. J. Rennie Property Anoimt Owner Lot 10 22,50 R.N. Ervin Lot 11 22*50 kmand, E. Yenne Lot 12 22.50 R.F.Tate IN SEVER DISTRICT NO. 4 BLOCK 20 Lot 1 22-50 Charles Leverich Lot 2 22.50 of It Lot 3 22.50 MAry Weathers Lot 4 22.50 Lot 5 22.50 Kalispell Town site Co. Lot 6 22.50 of to Lot 7 22-50 -H m it Lot 6 22-50 R. C. Fuller Lot 9 22.50 Clara McFadden Lot 10 22.50 Ira Trunlo Lot 11 22.50 Lena Fuller Lot 12 22.50 N. Proctor la SEWER DISTRICT NO. 4 BLOCK 21 Lot 1 22.50 Smith Valley Lbr.Co. Lot 2 22.50 Kalispell To site Co. Lot 3 22-50 Lot 4 22.50 It It tt Lot 5 22.50 H-G-Miller & H& r! sool Lot 6 22.50 If of Lot 7 22.50 It it Lot 8 22.50 of to Lot 9 22.50 Kalispell Townsite Co. lot 10 22.50 to to to Lot 11 22.50 Smith Valley lbr.Co. M Property Anount Owner Lot 12 22.50 Srth Valley Lbr*Co. That a levy of TWO HUNDREa TWENTMIVE ($225.00) Dollars be made against that certain tract of land just south of Mock 21, which said tract of .and is 300 feet long from East to West and 250 feet wide from north to south and is owned by Also that alevy of TWO HENDRED AND TMUTY-FIVE ($225.00) be node against that irregular tract of land jest north of Block 40; said tract of land being 300 feet long from east to west and 250 feet wide from north to south and owned by the Kalispell Townsite Conpany., That the above sums are to be paid in three equal annual payments of $7.50 for each and every iot, and $75.00 for each of said irregular tracts of land. The said payments to be node on or before the 30th day of November of each and every year. The first of which said payments shall be made in the year 1907, and deferred. payments to bear interest at the rate of Q! per annum. Passed for notice and protest this 27th day of Angust,1907. T. H. GRIFFIN, Myor. Attest, M. Rhoades, City Clerk. Finally passed and approved this 3rd day of September, 1907. Attest, M. Rhoades, City clerk. W. H. GRIFFIN, Mayor.