Resolution - Sewer Construction10z" RESOLUTIGIT MHEREAS it is the sense of a najority vote of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montano, that it is necessary for sanitary puTposes that a newer be constructed within Sewer District No,4; BE IT TEMYFORE RRSOLVTD that a newer six inches in diameter be con trusted according to the plans and, specifications of A.K. Jaqueth, engineer, commencing at a point in the alley in BlocR 198 of Addition No.2 of the City of Ehlispell, said point being in said alley at a distance of one hundred feet south from the north side of said block, and running from thence in a northerly direction throah said alley to and acroos Yifth Street and there connecting with a sewer heretofore bait. Said sewer shall be constricted under the supervision of an engineer to be employed by the City at the e=pense of the adjacent property, the material to be Of Otrified sewer pipe, the total cost of construction being estimated at the sum of TWO HANDRED ($200.00) Dollars, and that said sewer shall be constructed by contract let to the lowest rez1onsible bidder after lue notice for bids as required by law. BF 17 FUR TT'-Hk'-ER,RFS0TVM that to defr"y the cost and expense of the construction of said sewer, the said cost and expense shall be paid and apportioned among the six lots on the north side of said Block 198 of Addition No.2, and that alevy be made for the con- M strustion of said sewer against said zix lots, share and share alike, requiring the payment of the cost of said sewer in three equal annual instalinento, the first of which uhalL be paid in the year 1907, and, all deferred payments to bear inter eot at the rate of six percent. per annum, payable annually. BE IT 7URTHER RESOLVED that notice be f6blished in one issue of the Kalispell Tom mar at least five days before the 27th day of August,1907, notifying all concerned that the City Council will meet at the City Hall on that date at 8 o'clock P.M. to hear and stertain objections to the construction of said sewer, either by owners or aEents of the property to be affected and benefited thereby. Passed and appro7ed this day of ___11907. Attist) W. Rhoades, City Clerk. WA, GRIFFIYY Wyor.