Resolution - SID 14 Maintenance Fund2cc RNS0,7JTTION CREATING AYD 7STA3L!S_H_1_'j SPIU11J, T T )IS FUT 'ZiO. 14 -was ------------- TNj:,TAN C F YUN XIT RESOLV7D BY THE CITY COONCIL OF THE ATY OF XALISPTIL, TONTAYA: That there shall be and is hereby created and established a Wpecial improvement District No. 14 Maintenance Fund" of the City of r,_"Iispell, Montano, Whidh slid fund is hereby created and estab- lish6d for the purpose of defr6ging the cost of maintaining and pre- t erving the irprbvements of "Speoial improvevent Mhintehance.Dis- trict No. 141 of the said City of Xalispell, Montana, heretofore created and established by said City Council, by Rezolution, 40ch said Resolution is on file and recorded in the office of .the City Clerk of said City of Thlispell, �!,.ontara4, to whiQ re2ere nce is here- 17 made and had; and that said Auld hereby created and established shall be kept up and supplied by a special levy and assessment ( to 'be and levied before the flyst"Honday in November of each year) "pon all of the property within avid "Special Improvement NAIntemace Ustrict Yo. 14, exclusive of the streeta, alleys Vnf publin pi"Ces Xerein, and all moneys coilected by virtue Of SUCK IeVy and assess- aent here"fter made, sh"ll be paid into said fund to be used and aapropriated for the purposez 4folesaid. Passed and approyed by said City Council this 5th day of june, 005. SA_',,-UTILL KILBUIZ,"NT h4yr r. Atteet$ W. Rho"desl City Clerk.