Resolution - SID 19FTSOL TW TO ESTABLISH SPROTIV, P. a { 3` UR ' DISTRICT X0. 19. That it 0 the intention of said Cite Council to create a Spec- ialImprovement District to be Rnow s "Special>prole en Dis- trict No. 19" for the purpose f improving the avenues therein, to establish grades, curbs and oonst rust gross plats, soy; grasp seed.9 i-.krd pl,-zt trees therein "nd to gradethe "venues therein, the boun- daries of whichai : Special mproveme t District are to be uo fol- lows; to -wit: Cornancing at a point h Ere the Avenue et een Fifth and -Sixt ter° line of Wshington Street; thence running Wt in the Center of said h'ninon lus t and within said City -of j sL, Mont"na, -to the intersection with the center line of the aley between Fourth And Fif th Avenuee East I of skid Cityf ' tl_iopel ,V w. nt.�r? tn e southalong thecenter f said a alley tQ othe center of id Street nd within the said City of h isrl l T • thence east � _ � � _pia _ �.,. _ in the center of said Idaho Street to the intersection with the cen- ter line of the alley between Fifth and Sixth Avenues East, of S City of Kalispell, Montana; t Ence Yorth along he center of said Alley and within s4id City of Kalispell, Montz_a' to the Ph74ce of beginning. Said 5pecial Improvement District herein above described to be inpro7ed na fol3ows' to -wit: By establi8hing a grade upon Fifth Avenue 7ost, Whin i said Special 7"mi,. remswt District, eons, ; rti i curbs within said boundaries on both sides of sold Avenue, at 0 point 8 feet .from the property line on such side of s d Agenue, grovel- ing, jrading and ovaevu ding the sane, sowing grosslases and r t- ing tars in said grass pl4tsl y g r�; U up the center' of WE--, .7 �`r `� e b eta' 3 5 �' Acurbs, br '? "Ti_ g the sane to g dplacing __r��.�;t`e thereon, COME i rounded and smooth surface; also pu.a. t li e g - r' a n � e s ?ems �� i s �d? ,g ?� g crossings r'r � t -*ems � ;, , .L r wherever Pi'��v is.i'�, �i:eixe ?-`ITT be ncBa. ary within hin said Special improvement District. That an s ypr x in t cost of sild Im :t°ovement s ,s the Hum of hPee Hundred Eighty ?our {$ 4. Dollars, and the lyre shall be n ry -.� n paid �spec € .l assespnent upon all of the s ss,b!. e ir -erty :,�� °�hi— i said Special l Improvement streets, � e cl save of , f and pvb is p wo , and each ,�=° � °r� ! ,.; d- �` ram. �! property within �� ;. Special Improvement District shall P y twat proportion of said cost o said i �provt mmt s ag the arg, b e;ems io 1 e of r e nt s e pub- lic uc es . Beit Further soly by said City CounQij of said Cis V f Xni- Pell, 7ortnnn, that a notice e pub $ islRd i the "K l gl Bee" f "t least one issue and for the 011 time required there- for, , said fir.,_ I i9 'ol Bee" being a newsp per of genera wire ��.intiord �$ f +, � u Ina: said C,� City ~':,.ai i sire j , t tngivino Notice of said irate t or ort)7Le p�F�.rt . of said Zity 0012m U1. , of said! City Vf Ea U Epell j Mont nnq to m,ked imprbvemerts, and notifying l p er agents of the proper ty Wthin sai d Sped t Irprovement Dist He t o. 19, to be "f- te Wb -m ef Ited by said improvements, that zaid City CounQ i of said City bf Yalispe 11 , Montana, will reet on the 22rd day of June , 1905, 0001clonkpofi daft, st,the City'Oouncil GhanberS Of Wid, City Coundil, in the City H f and in said City of Kalispell, Mot , , st -Which time and place sush ownersand agent a will be given an opportunity t .fiew Att en, objectionsto the nakine of said im- pro, signed by sush owners or agents of said e ty within sAiaSpoplil inV r ov me & Diztrict, and at which time and plate any objections oo filed be heard and considured by zaid City Coun- CO.. it is further resolved by said City Co ., tha t p! asBess- ments Wyed "guinst said prcperty within said Special Improvement Di t. t o. i P"11 be _paid in jhree equal installgent.payments, th e i. rs t of s4 i I in s tallne itthe , un&Il deferred installment pa,e t and n interest the rate of 6 percent. per nn ; pa '"annuallyW Passed .and wAgraved by said City Council this 3t .y f June , 0 5. tt t) W.B. Rhoades? City Clerk. BN IT RRSaWD BY TH7 CI COUNCIL OF THE CIT77OF KAIISPELL, that the TAX LEVY for the year 1905, on all taxable propErty within toe City of Kalispe!12 be as-follaws' FOR 00700:5 AND ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOPTS ....... � - - - . v .... 8 mill 5 - FORSTR77T AND ROAD PURPOSES ..................... **..*.2 It FOR LIB RARYPURPOSK ........... *.*.a4 ... ....... 1 11 on each andevery dollar of the assessed valuation of said City of FAlispell. PASPED AND ATTROVED this 3rd day of July, 1905. Attests City Clerk. SAITTL WBURY) 11yor.