06-10-15 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD June 10, 2015 Present: Members: Marcus Grail, Andrea Davidson, Brock Anderson Staff. Fred Bicha and Lisa Simmer The meeting was officially called to order at 4:07 pm by Andrea Davidson Agenda Topics: Public Comment Approval — March & April Minutes Introduction of new member — Marcus Grail Budget Review FY 16 Tree Cycle Event Group Input Public Comment There was no one present or correspondence from the public. Approve Minutes There was not a quorum to approve minutes. Current Business Introduction of new member: New member Marcus Grail was introduced. Budget Review: Fred presented and reviewed the proposed FY 2016 forestry budget, explaining anticipated revenues and expenditures. Fred identified the goals for 2016, including: purchase of a used chip truck, contracted services for elm and stump removals, an increased line item for EAB preparedness and funding to implement the 50/50 tree planting. Marcus noted that there are approximately 119 stumps at this time that need grinding. Lisa stated that at this time, it is unsure whether recycling revenues will be close to the yearly average of $450, as Pacific Recycling has not paid for newspapers and/or cardboard for the last drive and may have changed their policy regarding this under new employees. Fred and Lisa explained to members that urban forestry budget and funds is its own separate budget and cannot be used in other budgets within the Parks & Recreation Department. Fred explained that Chad hopes to receive approval for the 50150 tree planting program to be implemented with this budget and prior to the update of the ordinance going to council for approval. Fred told the group that there is funding for grant match in the budget and staff will be applying for a Program Development Grant in the fall through DNRC. Tree Cycle Event: The first Tree Cycle Event is scheduled for September 27, 2015, 2 — 4 pm. Fred asked for volunteers for a subcommittee and Marcus quickly volunteered. The group reviewed the ideas that members had brainstormed in the past for this event. Fred explained that the idea is to meet in Depot Park and then ride to 10 or 12 tree locations around town and discuss the trees; species, history, etc. Fred suggested subcommittee and tree board members be the lead for discussing the tree at stops. Andrea and Marcus both agreed to that task. The group discussed tree locations/stops, routes, activities, giving out helmets and tables/booths at Depot Park as possibilities. Misc. Business Brock provided a brief overview of the woodshop's use of the American Elm wood. Brock informed the group that the shop has gone through 63 saw blades the past year. Members discussed permanently changing the meeting date to Wednesday and it was agreed that this would be acceptable, as long meetings were not rescheduled without adequate notice. Andrea informed members she has not been able to work on a new Daily Interlake article and will still plan on writing one, however it will be later in the year. Andrea commended Fred on all the new ideas and activities he has brought to the group. Members briefly discussed the following topics, agreeing to discuss them in the future when more members are present. Member's role in further educating the public regarding the values of the urban forest. Utilizing college and/or high school students to help update the urban forestry inventory. Starting an "Adopt a Tree Program" with businesses or organizations adopting and caring for a tree. The meeting adjourned at 5:02 pm. Minutes approved unanimously by the Street Tree Committee September 9, 2015.