06-15 Kalispell Parking UpdateCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING PARKING UPDATE: June 2015 Tickets June 2015: 324 tickets written up 63 total of $3,240.00 June 2014: 261 tickets written down 174 total of $2,610.00 Parking Permits June 2015: $3,365.00 sold down $65.00 June 2014: $3,430.00 sold Occupancy Report June 2015: Westside 106% Eastside 118% combined 112% June 2014: Westside 103% Eastside 113% combined 108% Meters & Machines June 2015: $1,414.57 collected up $126.77 June 2014: $1,287.80 collected CPI Income May 2015: $212.50+$100.00 = $312.50 paid in June May 2014: $82.50+$55.00 = $137.50 paid in June The Boot June 2015: used 1 time total of $105.00 June 2014: used 4 times total of $290.00 56% collected 57% collected up $175.00 from last May $70.00 fines $35.00 fees $150.00 fines $140.00 fees