06-11-15 Parking Advisory Board MinutesCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: June 11, 2015 Location: KPC Conference Room In attendance: Mark Pirrie, Janet Clark, Joel Schoknecht, Captain Wade Rademacher and Doug Russell Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at 7:30 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie 2. Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Joel, second by Mark. 3. Approval of April Board Meeting: Moved by Janet, second by Joel. 4. Hearing of the Public: 5. Approval of Financial Statements of April and May: Moved by Janet, second Joel. 6. Updates from City Parking: 7. Unfinished Business: Museum at Central School — The proposed Parking Change Request/ Parking Regulations Update was on the agenda for the City Council Work Session held on May 261h. Janet presented a proposal to council to change the metered parking spaces in front of the Museum at Central School to permit parking. Gil Jordan, Director of the Museum, and several museum board members spoke in opposition. Mark stated that the mission of the Parking Advisory Committee is to manage the downtown parking inventory. The 10 parking spaces in front of the museum are not being utilized, and this is a failure in the management of parking. Again, there was discussion of the continuing decrease in revenue of these spaces, and the need for more employee parking. Approximately 8 years ago the museum requested long term parking for anticipated all day events. The Parking Commission installed ten 9-hour meters. It appears the museum conference rooms are not being utilized as presented at that time. The museum also has 4 free parking spaces along the alley next to the museum for volunteers. Captain Rademacher will contact Gil Jordan and extend an invitation to him and members of the museum board to attend a special meeting to discuss this matter on July 15 at 7:30 am. City Manager Russell will provide an update to council regarding this meeting. 8. New Business: B.I.D. Parklets — Janet would like to have the Advisory Board involved in the parklet permit application process. The 406 Restaurant is in the process of obtaining a parklet permit for their business. They want to utilize 3 spaces in front of their restaurant on I" Avenue West. Janet has concerns on how eliminating 3 spaces will impact surrounding businesses. Doug pointed out the statement on the Public Works Department informational letter dated July 17, 2012. It states that the City of Kalispell has developed standards for the trial of "parklet" installations and wanted to note that nothing is permanent. The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 15, 2015. Adiournment• Adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Approved by the Board on: July 15, 2015 Respectfully submitted: Karen Durado