09. Special Revenue Funds, TIFS & OtherSPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Page Fund Dept TIFS & OTHER 42-43 2185 Airport TIF $ 15283,548 44-45 2188 Westside TIF $ 5,085,448 46 2310 Old School Tech TIF $ 899000 47 2311 Old School Industrial TIF $ 10,00o 48 2372 Health. $ 7751000 $ 7,2429996 AIRPORT TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT "B" FUND: 2185-000-430300/470240/460430 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash Total Beginning Cash RE VENUE S 335230 State Entitlement 3 71010 Investment Revenue 383001 Transfer from Debt Service Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES Personal Services M & 0 and Redevelopment Total Expenditures ENDING CASH Cash Carry Over estimated proposed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY13114 FY14I15 FY14115 FY15/16 $141,337 $603,039 $6031>039 $1,003,502 $141,337 $603,039 $6031)039 $1,003,502 $42,67 I $14,832 $42,671 $42,671 $1,570 $1,000 $3,800 $4,500 $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 $4941>241 $465,832 $496,471 $497,171 $635,578 $1,068,871 $1,099,510 $1,500,673 $18,184 $147355 $25,820 $760,246 $251,820 $70,188 $23,274 $1,260,274 $325539 $7861,066 $96,008 $15283,548 $603,039 $2825805 $1,003,502 $2171125 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Bonds sold in September 2005 required that all taxes be deposited in the debt service fund. The same will be true of any additional bonds sold for the redevelopment of the airport. Once debt service obligations are met, funds remaining can be transferred to this fund for use with other approved projects. 42 AIRPORT TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT FUND: 2185-000-430300/470240/460430 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ACTUAL FY 12113 ACTUAL FY 13114 BUDGET FY 14115 proposed BUDGET FY 15116 480 470240 Personal Services: FTE's 0.33 0.33 0.35 0.35 110 Salaries $82176 $15,001 $19,719 $19,067 153 Health $1,240 $2,067 $4,579 $2,721 155 Retirement $539 $1,115 $1.5474 $11>438 Subtotal $9,955 $181)184 $25,772 $231X6 345 Telephone & Communication $0 $0 $48 $48 Subtotal $0 $0 $48 $48 000 430300 Airport 353 Auditing $11200 $1,600 $17600 $1,600 356 Legal Survey/title search/appraisals/ contract services $951 $41>000 $0 $0 522 Administrative transfer $9,335 $7,831 $82646 $8,674 840 Redevelopment activity $212661336 $924 $750,000 $152501p000 Subtotal $27277,822 $14,355 $760,246 $1,2601;1274 Total $2,287,777 $32,539 $786,066 $11283,548 43 WESTSIDE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT "C" FUND: 2188 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Operating Total Cash REVENUES 311100 Real Estate Taxes 311200 Personal Property Taxes 312000 Penalty & Interest 335230 HB 124 Entitlement 341015 Developer payment -Depot Place Apt 371010 Investment Earnings Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES Loan Revolving Funds Distribution or Redevelopment Total Expenditures ENDING CASH Operating PELT -DEPOT PLACE APT COMPLEX estimated proposed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY13114 FY14115 FY14115 FY15/16 $2272703 $3,165,679 $31165,fi79 $417168,b70 $21727,603 $3,165,679 $3,165,679 $4,168?670 $258,560 $16,930 $651 $2343165 $5,945 $15,284 $285,000 $17,000 $400 $952000 $5,945 $12,000 $843,503 $8,500 $4.00 $2431,128 $6,460 $212000 $840,000 $81,1500 $400 $244,000 $611500 $21 NO $53153 5 $415,345 $1,122,991 $13 20,400 $32259,13 8 $375811024 $4,288,G70 $5,289,070 $0 $93,459 $1,500,000 $1,085,404 $0 $120,000 $15-500,000 $35852448 $93,459 $2,585,404 $120,000 $5,085448 $3,165,679 $9951)620 $4,168,i70 $2031622 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Westside Urban Renewal District was created to help redevelop the Gateway Mall area and assist with the Storm drainage problems in the area. Ordinance 1704 expanded and extended the life of the Westside Urban Renewal District for 25 years with the sale of an Urban Renewal Note in the amount of $500,000 to Rocky Mountain Bank. The District has since been expanded to include the Core Area Redevelopment Boundary. 44 WESTSIDE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT FI1ND: 2188 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Personal Services 480-470230 110 Salaries-Admin 153 Health 155 Retirement Subtotal 353 Audit 354 Transfer to Port Authority-bldg main#. 356 Contract services/note issue costs 840 Transfer to debt service Fund 3188 522 Administrative Transfer 710 Loan Revolving Funds 720 redevelopment Subtotal Total EXPENDITURE DETAIL proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY12/13 FY13114 FY14/15 FY15/16 r• TE'S 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.65 $26,776 $34,006 $381,544 $39,760 $3,812 $45410 $6,871 $5,161 $1,764 $27535 $2,869 $2,989 $3211352 $40,951 $48,284 $47,910 $1,250 $2,000 $220000 $2,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $840 $158 $0 $0 $32,000 $32520 $32,000 $32,340 $1,776 $21>813 $3,120 $32P198 $0 $0 $1,500,000 $150010000 $0 $152017 $1,000,000 $3500,000 $402866 $523P508 $2,537,120 $5,037,538 $73,218 $93,459 $275852404 $5,085,448 45 2310 OLD SCHOOL STATION TIF-TECHNOLOGY "G" FUND: 2310-480-470210 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Operating Cash -Redevelopment REVENUES 311110 Real Estate Property Taxes 311200 Personal Property Taxes 315000 Penalty & Interest 335230 BB124 Entitlement 371010 Investment Earnings 383001 Transfer from Debt Service -Reimburse Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES 354 Contract Services- Bond Counsel 355 Glacier Investment Reimbursement 356 FED -EX ReimbursmentlDeveloper agreement 820 Operating Transfer-FY14 Debt ServicefFY15 Comm. Dev. Total Expenditures ENDING CASH 10100 Operating Cash -Redevelopment estimated proposed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY13114 FY14115 FY14/15 FY15/16 $4,492 $137209 $131,209 $371-276 $431471 $45,000 $1331423 $63,000 $6,343 $6,500 $3,989 $3,989 $0 $50 $417 $0 $3,056 $724 $3,056 $37056 $77 $50 $80 $50 $0 $0 $180X6 $0 $52,947 $52,324 $3217331 $70,095 $575439 $65,533 $334,540 $1072371 $0 $I,000 $0 $0 $11,964 $12,500 $11,589 $12,000 $102266 $101:500 $16,886 $17X0 $22,000 $30,000 $268,789 $607000 $44,230 $54,000 $297,264 $897000 $13,209 $11,533 $37,276 $18,371 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Technology TIF was created to enable the development of the Tech Park by using the taxes paid by the property owners to pay down the infrastructure SID debt. Additionally the tax revenue generated can be used for other redevelopment activities as provided by Montana law and the developer agreement. City Council in July 2011 approved an agreement with Glacier Investment Properties, owner of Lot 7 to reimburse the SID costs from their increment. This is a similar agreement as we have with Fed -Ex. 2311 OLD SCHOOL STATION TIF-INDUSTRIAL "H" FUND: 2311-480-470210 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMAIIZY I I I estimated proposed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY13114 FY 14115 FY 14I15 FY 1511 f BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash Operating -Redevelopment $6,2.09 $0 $0 $4,531 REVENUES 311100 Real Estate Taxes $25485 $2.4500 $9,838 $61)500 312000 Penalty & Interest $103 $100 $175 $100 383001 Transfer from Debt Service -Reimburse $0 $0 $539378 $0 Total Revenue $2,588 $22600 $63,391 $61600 Total Available $83797 $21600 $635391 $113,131 EXPENDITURES 820 Operating Transfer-FY14 Debt Service1FY15 Comm. E $8,797 $2,000 $58,860 $1000 Total Expenditures $8,797 $2,000 $58,860 $101000 ENDING GASH 10100 Operating Cash -Redevelopment $0 $600 $47531 $15131 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Industrial TIF was created to enable the development of the Tech Park by using the taxes paid by the property owners to pay down the infrastructure SID debt. Additionally the tax revenue generated can be used for other redevelopment activities as provided by Montana law and the developer agreement. 47 HEALTH -permissive levy FUND: 2372-400-521000-810 REVENUE PROJECTION 1 R_5 195 18.5 tbd BEGINNIING CASH 10100 Cash on Hand REVENUE 311100 Real Estate taxes 311200 Personal Property taxes 312000 Penalty & Interest Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES 521000-810 Health Insurance -transfer to General Fund 521000-810 Health Insurance -transfer to PARKS ENDING CASH Cash Cary over ACTUAL FY 13114 BUDGET FY 14115 estimated ACTUAL FY 14115 proposed BUDGET FYI $ 26,849 $ 417055 $ 415055 $ 55,155 $ $ $ 693,043 4709 1,495 $ $ $ 710,000 25,000 11500 $ $ $ 710,000 37,000 25100 $ $ $ 725,000 37,000 25500 $ 7421P207 $ 7365500 $ 74%100 $ 764.2500 $ 76%055 $ 7775555 $ 790,155 $ 819,655 $ $ 660,000 681,000 $ $ 6651-000 70,000 $ $ 665,000 70,000 $ $ 700,000 75,000 $ 7285000 $ 7355000 $ 7351)000 $ 77500 $ 41,055 $ 422555 $ 55,155 $ 441,655 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This budget is used to track the revenue from the permissive mill levy which provides funding for health insurance premium increases. Health insurance premiums are budgeted in the General Fund by department. The revenue generated from the permissive levy is used to make an operating transfer to the General Fund. The State legislature restructured the method for calculating the amount to be levied with the permissive health levy. The calculation sets year 2000 as a base year and calculates the average increase per governmental employee times the number of employees. Since it is an average amount, currently $985 per employee, it is not necessary to adjust for single, married, 2 party, etc. The calculation takes into account the number of employees. 48