05-14-15 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, May 14, 2015, 10:00 a.m. Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Chad Fincher, Parks & Recreation Director Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Krista Lammers, Substitute Recording Secretary GUESTS: Rory Young, Jackola Engineering & Architecture Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: None. NEW BUSINESS: Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Rick Parker, Building Plans Examiner Wade Rademacher, Police Captain PJ Sorensen, Chairman Rebecca Wargo, Assistant Civil Engineer Westgate Senior Apartments — 500 Corporate Drive; renovation of existing senior apartment complex. Sorensen recapped: The existing main shed will be removed and a gazebo and new shed will be going in as well as a maintenance sized garage door being removed and framed in. General site work: general site cleanup and reroofing, Young explained that ADA compliance work will be done on the two current trash areas as well as portions of the sidewalk that have heaved. There are four light poles being replaced, a cut sheet was shared with the committee; at 20 feet they will only project light approximately 30 feet out. Wall packs will project about 12 feet, even on the outside of building all poles and wall packs are always 20 feet from property line. Sorensen explained that wall packs, even if under eaves, have to be shielded and that full cutoffs do apply. Handicapped units and parking were discussed; Clawson suggested redesignating parking spaces and inquired as to why the sidewalk would be redone instead of parking redesignation near the handicapped units. Clawson also reminded Young of CO detectors outside sleeping areas if gas is used in the units. This property has already been through architectural review, site review passes. OLD BUSINESS: Beehive Homes — 242 Stillwater; new assisted living/memory care. Plan review comments went out this morning, Public Works has received new plans for review but a driveway permit application has not been submitted, Parks has received new plans and needs to make a couple of comments about color coding. Fire will have to sign off on the temporary turnaround dimensions and material. Brief annexation discussion, developer and builder are working with Charlie Harball on dedications and the bike path; these issues will need to be resolved before the certificate of occupancy is to be issued. Calaway Apartments —1079 N Meridian; new apartment complex. Public Works has not yet received the plans and the Building Department has not heard comment on their required changes. This will be on the agenda for next week. 91/93/97 Financial Drive — new apartment complex (3 four-plexes). Public Works has not yet received stormwater or driveway permit applications but has received updated drawings. Parks had a discussion about commercial contractor bids for work to be done and is waiting for tear sheets on equipment per a previous conversation. Boulevard landscaping is shown in the new drawings, mostly grass but two trees on the north end of the project and possibly two trees in south area. Sorensen explained that the newest drawings show the concrete pad and the garbage collection area, which now has a turn area to the north and some of the awkward parking spaces were removed. This will be on the agenda for next week. Captain's Marine — Hwy 93 S; new retail building. Public Works recently received documents. Building received documents this morning and needs to ensure they are stamped wet drawings; Parks does not have drawings and has not received correspondence on the right of way issue. Fire was carbon copied on an email from the Montana State Department of Environmental Quality concerning fire flows. Initial flow reads were taken from the incorrect water line. Further, if this is an unsprinkled, 15,000 square foot building with a V-B construction the waterline supply would be inadequate. The Building Department suggested that sprinkling and a two hour rated firewall would reduce hydrant requirements by one hydrant resulting in significantly reduced latecomer's fees. Public works will review drawings and report back at the next site review meeting. This will be on the agenda next week. Canvas Church — 255 Summit Ridge; expansion of existing church. Revised drawings have been received and are dimensionally sound. The layout is basically the same as before. Landscaping drawings will likely not have changed as the current revision is to size the parking lot appropriately; making the parking lot four feet longer on the west side. Public Works will need drawings that reflect that change. This project will be on the agenda for next week. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Burger King/Popeye's — The Burger King subdivision already has a curb and gutter along 3rd Avenue East. The question is whether the $4,300 bond is sufficient for work to be done. Public Works stated that if a handicapped ramp and concrete approaches are to City standards, can the curb stay? Unsure having not seen any plans the concern is that when next franchise comes in to that site there may be a problem. If the current developers are aware of this issue now and agree then Public Works is fine with the issue. Public Works also suggested that these requirements be triggered by a time limit of possibly 18 months or when Popeye's develops. Sorensen suggested that there would be no reason to change those plans if Popeye's accepts that they will do offsite improvement in conjunction with their future building permit. KRMC Expansion and Zone Change - The hospital has submitted a zone change, for parking lot expansion to the north. Specifically, extending the parking lot to the north and northeast with an exit to the northeast, these changes require a zone change. The hospital is going to do the whole area up to the existing houses for possible future expansion, but right now are simply proposing this parking lot. Public Works raised the issue; now that the parking lot is done, doesn't the agreement state they are to abandon the existing gravel lot. Planning states that once the paved lot is activated the agreement was to abandon the gravel lot and remove the approach. This issue should be looked into; if the new lot is fully functional then the old lot should be abandoned. OTHER REPORTS: TKG Spring Prairie Development Four- Public Works shared that there is an existing pipe that runs under the highway, north of MDT's pond. It is a two foot pipe on west side of highway that can be seen from the east side of the highway, found by the surveyor and is buried a couple of feet down. Public Works is expecting engineering drawings in approximately four to six weeks on this site. Adjourned: 10:36 a.m. Cc: City Manager Public Works MDOT City Airport Planning Dept Bldg Dept. Comm. Dev. Parks City Clerk Police Dept. FCAOA Fire Dept.