03-10-15 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD March 10, 2015 Present: Members: Andrea Davidson, Lance Isaak, Bette Albright, Brock Anderson, and Dave Jones Staff. Fred Bicha and Lisa Simmer The meeting was officially called to order at 4:00 pm by Andrea Davidson. Agenda Topics: Public Comment Approval — February minutes Trees To Paper To Trees Recycling Drive Arbor Day Sub Committee report Management Plan Misc Business Public Comment There was no one present or correspondence from the public. Approve Minutes There was a quorum. Members approved the February 2015 minutes unanimously. Current Business Spring Recycling De rive-. Bette briefed the group on the arrangements made to date for the spring Trees To Paper To Trees Recycling Drive, April 11, 2015 at the north end of the fairgrounds. She reminded members to dress for the weather. Bette has made all contacts and lined up sponsors and volunteers from the Kalispell Middle School. Bette stated she also notified the leader of the IB students, should they wish to volunteer. Bette was not able to confirm if there was a function being held in the north building at the fairgrounds. Lisa mentioned that she also informed Montana Conservation Corp in case they needed volunteer hours and wanted to work. Lisa noted she has processed work orders to have the banner hung on fence and truck, trailer, signs, etc., brought to the site. Remaining duties were split between members. Bette suggested she submit to the Daily Inter Lake a brief blurb regarding plastics now being accepted at the drive, with the understanding that there is no guarantee it will get run in the paper. Arbor Day Subcommittee: Bette provided a review of the Arbor Day Subcommittee meeting held the previous day. Bette passed around the materials from the meeting including: an aerial map of Lawrence Park; showing proposed green industry stations, classroom routing schedules, and the tentative agenda. Bette stated that the t-shirt design is being handled through the high school graphic arts class and board members will meet and pick their favorite design. Bette noted that Lance is working on lunch donations for the volunteer's meals and has received commitment from Qdoba and Dominoes. Brock suggested that porta potties be brought in for the event. Bette stated six trees will be planted on Arbor Day and the subcommittee agreed that their next meeting would be in Lawrence Park to help determine planting locations. Bette mentioned the group is still working on adjusting times and speakers on the agenda. Bette stated a second letter to all teachers updating information will be going out soon. Brock confirmed that he has lined up students from the student council to act as volunteers and assist teachers. Fred informed the group he currently has 15 green industry booths lined up. Bette said that the group is still in discussions regarding how to handle the distribution of the litter bags, and the group needs to remember that two classrooms will be walking to Lawrence Park for the celebration. Management Plan: Lisa distributed copies of the compiled list of topics for the management plan. Discussion was held on utilizing this list to create the goals and objectives. It was agreed that the list should be pared down and prioritized as a starting point for the goals and objectives. Dave asked that members take the list and prioritize their top five items before the next meeting. Dave said members could email these to him in advance of the meeting. Fred suggested the list be grouped according to tasks. Fred explained that he and Dave had discussed this project last week and the two of them determined they would work together on an inventory report similar to Big Timber's to indentify the status of Kalispell's urban forest. Dave explained this project would be kind of like a glorified work plan and it could be easily expanded on at a later date. Dave said he thinks between himself and Fred they should be able to provide a preliminary management document plan. Dave noted they would like the board members to work on the goals and objectives to include and would also like to add some history of the Kalispell Urban Forest to the document. Andrea reminded the group that Mike Baker gave a PowerPoint presentation at the Small Town Retreat a couple of year's back that included quite a bit of history that could be referenced for work on the management plan. Lance suggested that the group check with the reporter from the Flathead Beacon who writes the articles on historic houses and see if he can find any information on historic trees. Bette stated that she likes the plan that Fred and Dave came up with to complete a small working document, with the thoughts that a consultant could expand/complete the project at a later date. Dave said he's going to shoot for completing the project at the end of fall, however did admit a fire season could push his deadline out. Dave said he will bring a rough draft in for review and proofing by board members. Misc Business Daily Inter Lake Articles: Andrea stated she has started the Daily Inter Lake article, however has not gotten it finished. EAB Workshop: Dave reminded the group of the EAB — Emerald Ash Borer workshop April 2, 2015 at council chambers. Lisa reminded the group that they needed to email to registered and said she would send out the original email to them again. Misc: Lisa told the group that Lance will be leaving when his term expires at the end of April, to devote his time to the school board. Lisa suggested members think about who they might encourage to join the board. Lisa noted board members must live in the growth policy area and the city clerk has created a new application on the city website for potential members to fill out. The group reviewed all the activity dates they have coming up in the near future. Lisa told the group she would send out an email containing all of the upcoming important dates, as April is especially busy. Members discussed the upcoming April 20, 2012 Tree City USA presentation to council. It was determined this presentation would be on the next meeting agenda for more thorough discussion. The group decided that the May and June meetings would be field trips. They agreed to visit the FHS Woods Shop in May to see Brock's class and in June they would go review some of the ARRA grant tree plantings. Brock told members that if they wanted a 9 x 6 plaque made at the May field trip they could bring the lettering/words they wanted on the plaque and have it made on the spot. Next Meeting: Lisa noted the next meeting is April 14, 2015. There was no other discussion. The meeting adjourned at 5:02 p.m.