Stokes/Airport Expansion Plans/October 18, 1999 Relocate Radio Broadcast TowersMar 27 06 04A0p Elizabeth 406-257-0459 p.7 John Stokes Z-600 Inc. P.O. Box 1869 Bigfork, Nlontana 59911 406 837-2283 ph/fax December 20, 1999 To: City of Kalispell -mayor and City Council Airport Advisory Board Federal Aviation Administration �-0C Y Regarding: City of Kalispell Airport Expansion Plans 1 October 18, 1999 Offer to Relocate Radio Broadcast Towers Dear Sirs and Madams, On October 18. 19991 submitted a written proposal to the tenet of the City ' o Kalispell in regards to an offer to relocate the Broadcast Towers to facilitate he cities efforts to expand the City Airport. Many rnonths prior to this written proposal. I workers with the co sultants writing the Airport Master Plan„ which the city adopted and many others. I believe the rnodeHiz tion is vital to the c,*ties future and attracting new etnployarent bases and expan ed tax bash and revenue for tine city. Additionally with the abandonment of the tourer easementa proposal wad trade to bring the 160 acres into the City as a property best suited for an industrial ark. 1 have o ered to finance this arinount, extent] credit to the city, to accept a bond, engage OR negotjatior►sl, land swaps or deferred m rents. All to no avail. It does not appear that beiief was sharedlbv marry. It is common knowledge the Federal funds for Airport expansiu, Ultd trresderrn4.ation will not he forthcoa-ning unless and until, the radio broadcast towers are dea�t with. The cost figure of $753,000 to relocate the radio towers, errbod f n the Master Platt is a result of unilateral offer made on tnv part. The towers are located on an 160 acre easement south of town. The figure of S753.000 wac Erased upon 80 acres, with no consideratiQ made to the actual broadcast studio property replacer ent. Tire Statehighwa department as appraised the 6.43 acre property at $715.000.00, exclusive of buildings and equipment which is an additional S450,000. Based upon the above and using the numbers provide in the Mj�tct Plan on pa6e 21, the cost of relocating the to��crs is now as follows: S343,000 for the noted hardware, S� 1 ,0D0 for contiguous replacement property (6-43 acres) building and intern l hardware equipment at 545H),000 and replacing the 160 easement to $6,350 per acre for 1,016,000f6r a total of $2,524,000.00. Mar 27 06 04:41p Elizabeth 466-257-0459 p,8 to the past two months since I submitted of the offer to assist the city anti hc)p the community expand and rnodemize the existing airport, I have not had one p one call. on� written response or any indication the proposal was under consideration or interes in any form r /hatsoever. ,As noted in my proposal of October 18, 1999. I informed all parties of my inteiest to expand the broadcast business and acquire additional licenses and lowers and place ther#i n the 150 acres available to n-)e_ Those plans will now continue forward. The F(,C has app koTd the grant of tra.nfer of the Iicense as of December 2, 1999 to Z-600 inc. i i This lacy of fore site and action is regrettable. It effectively tenn hates, the: laps of the City to expand and modernize the city airport a;ainst the wishes of many. I will extend the proposal of October 18, 1999 until December 22, 1999. If no contact or resp mse is made tI e offer will be withdrav-n and tenninated. Any future considerations will be at ihe, above rnarcet price and require full compensation of the assets noted above. Therefore the written proposal of October 18, 1999 whereby the e ity was offc;r d a savings of over S 1,771,000.00 is hereby withdrawn at 5:00 Phi on Decernl er 22, 1999- I will extend to the offer and proposal until that tune. Res-ctfully submitted, John Stores Z-600 inc. P.O. Box 1869 Bigrfork, Montana 5991 1 via fax to all parties noted.